
Fishless or Fish Cycling?

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To cycle with a fish or without a fish...that is the question!?

1st part is for a Fresh water tank.

2nd part is for a Salt water tank.

What's the difference between the two...pros and cons of yes and no.

Just curious what the response will be.




  1. Well you know each way has it's own merits really.  I personally am not a fan of fishless cycling, but that's just me, and I want to say now, whichever you use, there really is no right or wrong way.  You can have the view point of fishless being humane and all that, and that has a point.  I don't want to make this a debate because no matter who says what, people are always going to believe what they wish to believe.  I've used fish, and once I've gotten my first filter up and going, I've just borrowed filter media from the established filters, which constitutes my fishless experience.  If I had to do it over again, yes I would use fish again on the first tank.  Hard to really say why any one is really better then the other, which pretty much just leaves you with the "ethics" of it is all.

    I haven't done any actual tests to say that fishless is faster or more effecient then using fish to tell you the truth.  Being this is based on a brand new tank, and you don't have access to established bacteria colony.  I don't honestly see why fishless should be any faster, other then if you have fish in the water, you'd have to do some cleaning to remove waste material.  Even though the tank is cycling, you're asking for trouble leaving physical waste in a tank.

    In terms of having an established filter and borrowing from the bio media, there is no question about the speed of this.  That in itself, in my opinion is the biggest merit to doing fishless.  Again, my view point is not from a brand new starting out tank, but rather, starting up a secondary tank.  Don't construe this as saying well do your first tank with fish, then the second off the media.  I just don't see why this is supposed to be so inhumane using fish when you can use a product called Prime which will very much keep the negative effects of nitrogen compounds from doing the nasty harm to the fish in the tank.  Prime will also allow for the nitrogen compounds to be used by your bio media, as well as perform as a de-chlorinator.  I'm sure there will be information that will say, even ionized, these compounds still do harm to fish.  That maybe.  Still then, if we are to use this as the view point, unless you are doing water changes every single day, even nitrates do some level of harm to your fish.  It's just we accept the 40 ppm threshold before we as people consider there to be any danger.  It really all comes down to your view point.

    I haven't done or kept a marine tank to speak from any view point, and in terms of that, I saw Soopy's input, and would have no reason to doubt what he says on that.

    I don't think you really can go wrong either way, but that's just me.  I know those that are in favor of a fishless cycle will stand firm on the "ethics" of using fish, but you take that out of the equation with using Prime.  Outside of that, unless it's borrowing from a filter, take your pick or flip a coin.

  2. Regardless of the tank's salinity, there is little excuse for using fish to cycle a tank in this day and age.  We have the technology!  I guess I'd compare fish cycling to buying a test puppy just to see if you're ready to take care of them, knowing it probably won't make it.  In the end, fishless cycling (either with pure ammonia, shrimp, or fish food) is cheaper, faster, and less stress than using fish.  In saltwater, you have even less excuse because of the availability of live rock and live sand-- this is basically an instant cycle.  The freshwater equivalent is using some live media (gravel, filter floss, ceramic rings, etc.) from an established tank for your filter (which would also work in saltwater), constituting fishless cycling.

  3. always cycle your FW with hardy fish because they help establish beneficial bacteria that helps less hardy fish be able to survive in your water.

    same goes for SW tanks, because if you cycle without fish how are you suppose to develop BB in your tanks?

  4. I am not going to lie I use fish to cycle my tanks. However for beginners I always recommend they do fishless cycles. I guess this is bad and hypocritical but I know that I am dedicated enough that once I have the fish I will do water changes even if needed daily to keep my fish comfortable. And will test my water everyday to make sure the parameters are fine. (Not that I am saying others wouldn't, but I just don't know so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless I knew they were going to change the water daily if needed). I started cycling my tank with 10 fish (walmart fish even) and out of the fish I started with I only lost one to a bout of ick after the tank was cycled.

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