
Fishtank questions... 10 points for the best answer :D!?

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Question 1 :

My fishtank use to have algae and I am afraid it will get it again cuz some algae is still stuck in there. So should I replace for a new one or could I still use it?

It is still alittle in there but not that a dot.

Question 2 :

Do I need a wallpaper for my tank? ( back of it... ) Cuz I think my tank will look better if I have one...

What do you think?

About me...

I have a white/grey gravel. A nice peace of wood that is around a foot long. 3 plastic plants. Around 8 - 10 gallon fishtank. 1 Meduim size blackmoor , normal size ryukin , 4 small fantails. I clean my tank once a week...50 %.

Hope you can help :D




  1. 1: use the same one

    2: you don't need it

    you can clean your tank about once a month 25%-50%

  2. you really don't need to get another tank, algae can be treated easily

    i don't tend to bother with chemicals, i have apple snails that take care of that :) try to keep it shaded from the window as that is the main course of algae, a back drop would be very help full as it will eliminate

    some of the light too.don'tnt leave your light on for more than than 6/8 hours max.

    also i think a plain black ground will look modern and cool with your gravel.

  3. First of all, algae isn't harmful, but it doesn't look nice, so you can purchase Algae remover from the fish store and put it in your tank once a week. You have to remove all the algae from your tank, first, because algae remover won't kill existing algae but it will prevent new algae from growing. Or, if you do not want to do that, once a week swab all the algae with an algae cleaner. Also, make sure your tank isn't in direct sunlight. Also, wallpapers do look nice, except don't get a cheesy one, get one with pictures of plants on it. Lastly, fantails can get quite large as well as black moors, and five goldfish in a 10 gallon tank is too much, so I suggest upgrading to a 20 gallon sometime soon...

    good luck

  4. 1. You don't need to get a new tank, it just might need to be cleaned more thoroughly. Algae isn't normally harmful unless in large quantities.

    2. You don't need it and it may look better, but make sure your fish like it!


  5. 1. You can use it, if you really want to get rid of the algea do a good cleaning of the tank, with 1 part bleach and 9 parts water, then RINSE a ton.

    2. You dont need one, if you want one get one. I have backgrounds on two of my tanks, the rest are bare.

    3. Your tank is overstocked. Goldfish get HUGE, they need at least 20g for one, and 10 gallons for everyone after that. So your looking at 70 tank! Goldfish create a ton of waste, be aware. You'll probably end up doing almost daily, if not 2x a day, water changes to keep the ammonia from seriously burning/killing your fish. If I was you, i'd take them to a local fish store give them to them, and start out with some tropical species that dont get large. I had a 50g tank, with three goldfish, and was doing 50% water changes every other day. Goldfish, in my own opionion should be left for ponds. Just google 'proper goldfish care.'

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