
Fist fight with my cousin?

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its been on my mind ever since it happened...

late last night (about 1 in the morning) i caught my cousin (who i'm staying with for a while because of very personal issues) coming in the house way past her curfew. shes 17, and im 15, and she was at a boy's party. she was to be home by 10:30, but obviously she wasn't. she snuck and tiptoed into the room we're sharing, expecting me to be asleep. but i wasn't. i immediately asked her about her whereabouts as if i was her mother or something. i threatened to tell on her because hey, she coulda been doing something dangerous (s*x, fighting, you know). so yeah. she called me a ***** and a dumbfuckk for threatening to tell..that obviously was offended so i starting loudly whispering insults at her (like, you were probably being a dumb sl*t don't sit up here and call ME names). out of nowhere, she grabbed me by my hair, and starting giving me uppercut punches in the face as i like, bent down by her force. i swumg all around me to try and get her away. then, she slammed me down onto the hard floor and started wrestling me and scratching me in the face, and occasionally throwing punches. i was helpless now. i was pinned down during all this. i got her up by managing to grab a hard cover book and hitting her in the head with it until she got off of me..she finally did in pain, but then i realized what the h**l she had done to me and i wasn't gonna just take it. she attacked ME. so i stood up, grabbed her by her neck, and starting cursing her out. nothing more. but then she started throwing punches at me in the face, and started kneeing me in the stomach.

while we were on the floor wrestling and punching at each other, my uncle (her dad) walked into the room and broke up the fight. he stood in between us and would try to block all the punches we would try to throw. im still here now. he sat us down and my cousin is in trouble for going against her curfew, and for fighting me. im also in trouble for fighting. i dont know what to do..should i apologize to my cousin? or should she apologize to me??




  1. You shouldnt apologize since she threw the first punch... But this will teach you to mind your own business. You arent her mother/father so don't try and act like you are...

  2. d**n that sounds sick and fun  at the same time (wrestling part) , im surprised you still remembered everything that happened, anyways she should apoligize to you because she started it

  3. You are both being typical teenage girls and with your living arrangements you are more like sisters now and things like this are normal, if you want to call it that. I would wait til some of the hostility has cleared (maybe another day or so) so that no one says or does anything else that they will regret. Then you should go to her (if she hasn't already come to you) and talk to her about what happened. Both of you should be woman enough to apologize but maybe you should show some initiative and be the bigger woman and offer it first. She may not accept at first but hey, wounded pride and a family cannot keep you apart for long. If it makes you feel better open up the conversation. Maybe you could compliment her uppercut and that could open you both up to laughter. Suggest that you may have been jumping the gun by suggesting she was doing something S****y and ask her that if she was to tell you about the guy. It may sound like I am condoning pre-marital s*x but I'm not by any means but family is something that will hold dear to you when your older and by you feeling bad about the fight now, you already hold her close as both family and friend.  

  4. She should apologize to you because you didnt do anything that wrong to her.  she shouldnt have been out past her curfew and she had no right to attack you.  If i was you i would just wait for her to apologize but just by reading this i dont think she is the kind of person that would say sorry.  So maybe just try to avoid her until things cool down a bit

  5. You should both apologize.  But you cannot force another to apologize.  So you should apologize first and forgive her whether she wants to be forgiven or not.  You do not have to forgive her out loud but do it in your heart.  You do what is right and one day, maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but one day she will let you know how much she admires you for your strength emotionally and you integrity.  Do the right thing do not worry about what comes from her.

  6. Yeah I probably would have fought you to, if you were a boy. Do yourself a favor next time and mind your own business.

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