
Fitting into gown for sister's wedding? I'm about 18-20 weeks along but none of my siblings know yet..?

by Guest60871  |  earlier

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ok. now that I got your attention..........

My baby sister is getting married in 2 weeks, (she's 20 lol, but still the baby of the family) my older sister and I found a gown for myself, with a little help from the seamstress, it'll fit, but that was when we went for a fitting last week. My tummy is growing now, everyone thinks I'm just putting on weight, because I have not told them yet that I'm expecting. I don't want anyone to know yet. What's a good cover up to let me fit into my gown, and also hide the pregnancy well?




  1. A bit curious as to why you haven't told your family? Especially if it comes out at the wedding-I imagine your sister might be a bit upset and think you've done it on purpose...

    As for a dress to hide your bump-at this stage in your pregnancy you may be hard pushed to find something. But a suggestion-if your b***s have grown huge (as they do!) wear a wrap around dress which will emphasize them and take peoples eyes off your bump.

  2. One of those clear satiny looking shalls should help, but at 18-20 weeks, I think some people are going to start figuring it out.

  3. I can understand why you don't want everyone to know.

    Especially since it's your sister's wedding, and it's her day, not yours.

    However, you are halfway through your pregnancy. It isn't as easy as sucking in your gut.

    You have to face the reality that you may have to tell your sister. Tell her that you don't want anyone else to know, because it's HER day, but that you need her to know that you might not fit that gown, and you're going to need to figure out a plan.

  4. i didn't tell a lot of people for a long time (easily 6 mnths into pregnancy) just eat a lot and if people say anything say "I guess I've put on some weight..." people around me just offered up the info that I was getting "chunky" lol i just kept telling myself 'don't worry you can be fat your pregnant"

  5. I really think that since you are half way thru the pregnancy, it should be ok to tell them.  I would tell them before the wedding--you don't want people figuring it out and all the attention being on you when it's her special day.  Your news is big wonderful news too, but I just think it should be shared on a different day, and not whispered about under suspicion by everyone at her wedding.

  6. Get your self some Spanx or a similar foundation garment that will help you suck in your tummy.  It might be a little uncomfortable on you but it will not hurt the baby.  Also you might try a little wrap or shaw around your shoulders goes down to your waist.  That might help quite a bit.

  7. First: Congratulations

    Second: Please make sure that if you do have to tell your family you tell them before the wedding and not let the cat out of the bag at the wedding.  

    It is very difficult to hide a growing belly, I would suggest a shall over the arms then you can drape around yourself if need be.  Make the dress looser fitting so that it doesnt cling to your tummy.  

    This will be difficult, I would suggest telling your family! :)

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