
Five lane roadways?

by  |  earlier

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if you are coming out of a house, or something, can you enter the middle lane and then merge/enter the traffic on the right? can you tell me the only reason for the middle lane for a five lane road?




  1. Yes you can, unless there is no traffic going in the direction your headed I enter the lane next to the middle lane and continue on my way without even stopping in the middle lane.  I really think that is the reason for a 5 lane road, to use it as a turning point, otherwise traffic would slow down tremendously if you had to stop every few feet to wait behind someone who is turning.  I don't know where you're from but here in Phoenix, Arizona from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., I think its 8 a.m. its used as an actual driving lane going north so you cannot use it like you normally would & in the evening from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. its used as a third lane going south.

  2. To make a turn onto the opposite side of the road safely. Thats why its called the suicide lane

  3. In the state of Texas that middle lane is only for...

    1) Vehicles making a left turn from the main roadway into a location (house, another street, shopping center, etc).

    2) Vehicles departing a location needing to merge into traffic after making a left across the main roadway. Ex: depart shopping center on southbound side, make left to go north.

    This lane is NOT to be used for driving or passing.

  4. Maybe its an emergency lane?

  5. idk
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