This September will be my second visit, and my boyfriend's first. Last year I raced around and did loads. He, however, is less energetic so this time I want to go for quality not quantity.
I'd like to show him: Soviet War Memorial at Treptower Park, Reichstag, Grunwald/Wannsee, and of course we'll go and see the Wall, Potzdamer Platz, Brandenberg Gate, the cathedral, maybe a day trip to Dresden... but is there anything else that we shouldn't miss?
Any suggestions for things to do in town and/or day trips out of town will be much appreciated. Being male, he's interested in the War and stuff. It's also his first time abroad!
Also, where should we eat in the evenings? And where are the good pubs? By "good" I mean local places, not full of tourists (I know, we are tourists, but... I live in London, if I want to meet Aussies and Kiwis I can do it right here). We don't want to get drunk or go clubbing, just have a few quiet beers and soak up the atmosphere of being abroad.