
Fix My YugiOh Deck!!!?

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Monsters: 24

Horus the Black Flame Dragon lv8 x2

Horus the Black Flame Dragon lv6 x3

Horus the Black Flame Dragon lv4 x3

Jinzo x2

Luster Dragon x3

Spear Dragon x3

Mirage Dragon x3

Twin-Headed Behemoth

Masked Dragon x3

Troop Dragon x3

Spells: 16

Dragon's Mirror x3

Future Fusion

Giant Trunade

Heavy Storm

Level Up! x3

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon

Premature Burial

Stomping Destruction x3

Swords of Revealing Light


Royal Decree x2

Fusion Deck: 3

Five God Dragon x3

~~ Note that i cannot get mirror force if so i would have put it in. also i was told running 3 horus lv 6 is good and simple seeing that its an easy tribute. However my first horus deck had only 2 so idk. also idk if 2 Jinzos is good or not. so please tell me if i should run 3 horus lv 6 and how many jinzos. and please fix my deck up because my biggest goal is :LOCK OPPONENT IN A HORUS AND JINZO/ROYAL DECREE LOCK!!!!!!!~~




  1. first of all too many fgd's. if u remove ur dragons u wont get the lock u want.

    second if ur not gonna use traps add some quick play spells like enemy controller or shrink.shrink increases the likelyness of horus destroying monsters.

    2 jinzos and 2 royal decree isnt so good. maybe side deck a jinzo or royal decree depending on opponent. jinzo will be a weaker target than horus and with royal decree horus will be the only target. try taking out a jinzo for treeborn frog. then u get a easy tribute.

    third side a horus lv4.

    fourth use a  brain control and a soul exchange.but b careful adding soul exchange as u may need 2 take out 1 level up.

    ive used the horus deck in about 4 different builds. the horus lock build wasnt the strongest especially since now its otk. it was pretty hard 2 get it 2 otk though. hope this helps.


  3. ur deck really has to be balanced, since u need traps to protect ur horus and let it evolve. add mirror force, wobaku, sakuretsu, and lower ur magic and monsters. ur deck should have around 40 cards, take out fgd.
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