
Fix deck- i do not plane to spent alot on cards so this is the best i'v got?

by  |  earlier

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DH-diamond dude 3

DH-doom lord


morphing jar

mask of darkness


spells: 26

monster gate 3

monster reincarnation 2

lightning vortex 3

spell reproduction 2

convert contact 3

monster reborn

brain control

card destruction

giant trunade

swords of revealing light

des croaking

book of moon

level limit area-b

chaos greed


premature burial


ojama delta hurricane!!


gravity bind

magical explotion 3


wall of reavling light

i know 5this isnt the best DDT or magical explotion deck but it will do sincce i am not willing to spend alot of money to make this a perfict circle deck with 3 D-Draws and a disk camander and so on but the theam is to stall the opponent long enough for 2 magical explotions to kill them and it usuaully takes about 10-20 turnes. i dont have the money for plasmas and othere cards like that so... this will have to do. if yoiu disagree with this deck compleatly then post a different deck!!!!




  1. 10-20 turns? that's exceptionally BAD for a DDT, but i'll do a quick list since this isn't a deck you can +/- unless you're averaging out trade-ins to allures, alright, i apologize beforehand, the monster list is a bit expensive, but it's not something you can avoid, you NEED this monster setup if you even wanna DREAM about this build working

    2 diamond dude

    1 stratos

    3 dogma

    3 cyber valley

    1 dark magician of chaos

    3 reasoning

    3 monster gate

    3 trade-in

    3 hand destruction

    2/3 dark world dealings (allure/d-draw)

    2/3 dragged down to the grave (allure/d-draw)

    2 machine duplication

    1 monster reborn

    1 premature burial

    1 heavy storm

    2 reinforcement of the army

    2 spell reproduction

    1 blasting the ruins

    3 magical explosion

  2. I'd add more monsters, it's never a good thing when your spells and traps out weigh the total of monsters you have. you can always try a ratio of 25 monsters,  8 spells and 7 traps, at least you would have a better chance of drawing a monster.

    I hope this helps

  3. if you dont want to spend money, i dont suggest making advance deck builds like dd turbo decks. otherwise your gonna have a broken deck that wont get you anything but frustration. seeing how you dont want to spend much money making it into a dd turbo or perfect circle variation, theres not much you can do. but i do suggest you get stocks like mirror force ect. needed for most any deck anyways.

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