
Fix my Yu-Gi-Oh deck for tournaments?? high yugioh experience players only answer??

by  |  earlier

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please fix my deck i want to win at the tournaments. and can people who won yugioh tournaments answer??

toltal: 40 cards

tribute monsters:

horus the black flame dragon lv6 x2

the creator

tyrant dragon

horus the black flame dragon lv8

majestic mech goryu

non tribute monsters:

masked dragon x2

snipe hunter

kaiser sea horsex2

herald of creation

spear cretin

decoy dragon

twin headed behemoth

morphing jar



mausoleum of the emperor x3

monster reborn

giant trunade

a wingbeat of a giant dragon

lightning vortex

level up x 2

big bang shot

soul exchange

the shallow grave

mistical space typhoon

premature burial

foolish burial



dust tornado

draining sheild x2

sakuretsu armor

skill drain

malevolent catastrophe




  1. So...I heard you liek mudkipz?

  2. 22 mons

    3 prime material drgaon

    3 horus lv 6

    2 horus lv 8

    2 cyber drag

    2 jinzo

    1 snipe hunter

    3 hydrogeddon

    3 gk spy

    1 gk guard

    1 marshmallon

    1 spirit reaper

    15 spells

    2 soule exchange

    2 emeny c0ntroller

    2 book of moon

    2 shrink

    1 pot of avarice

    1 heavy

    1 m s t

    1 mon reborn

    1 pre burial

    1 lightning vortex

    1 brain control

    5 traps

    3 solemnn judgment

    2 royal decree

  3. i'm sorry but i just write want i think you need(but your versoin is good too):

    Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV8 x1

    Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV6 x3

    Prime Materal Dragon x2

    Cauis The Shadow Monarch x1

    Destiny Hero - Malicious x2

    Destiny Hero - Dasher x1

    Snipe Hunter x1

    Destiny Hero Fear Monger x1

    Gravekeeper's Spy x2

    Gravekeeper's Guard x1

    Elemental Hero Stratos x1

    Sangan x1

    Spirit Reaper x1

    Morphing Jar x1

    Mask Of darkness x1

    Destiny Hero - Disk Commander x1


    Destiny Draw x3

    Book of moon x2

    Heavy Storm x1

    Mystical space typhoon x1

    Monster Reborn x1

    Premature Burial x1

    Reinforcement of the Army x1

    Brain control x1

    Pot of Avarice x1


    Raigeki Break x2

    Solemn Judgment x2

    Bottomless trap hole x2

    Torrential Tribute x1

    Mirror force x1

    Crush Card Virus x1

    Side Deck

    Royal Oppression x2

    Legendary Jujitsu Master x2

    Soul Exchange x2

    Kinetic Soilder x2

    Light-Imprisoning Mirror x2

    Nobleman Of Crossout x1

    D.D Warrior Lady x1

    D.D Crow x3

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