
Fix my gladiator beast deck?

by  |  earlier

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Gladiator Beast - Hoplomus x 3

Gladiator Beast - Laquari x 2

Gladiator Beast - Murmillo x 2

Gladiator Beast - Darius x 3

Gladiator Beast - Bestari x 3

Gladiator Beast - Secutor

Test Tiger x 3

Elemental Hero Prisma x 3

Reinforcement of the Army x 2

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Gladiator Proving Ground x 2


Gladiator Beast Respite x 3

Shrink x 3

Waboku x 3

Mirror Force

Trap Dustshoot

Bottomless Trap Hole x 2


Light Imprisoning Mirror x 3

D.D. Crow x 3

Soul Release x 3

Book Of Moon x 2

Light and Darkness Dragon x 2

Vanity Fiend x 2


Gladiator Beast - Gyzarus x 3




  1. -1 prisma

    -1 shrink

    +2 Magical mallet. (Helps you get what you want AND returns unwanted gladiators to the deck for Special Summoning.)

    +3 Heraklinos

  2. That is a VERY slow deck.  Respite is a very overrated card. Hoplomus is either run in ones or nones. Here's what a really good Glad Beast Build looks like:


    3 Test Tiger

    3 Bestiari

    2 Elemental Hero Prisma

    2 Laquari

    2 Darius

    2 D.D. Crow/Legendary Jujitsu Master (depending on what your playing against.)

    1 Elemental Hero Stratos

    1 Murmillo

    1 Secutor

    1 Hoplomus

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Sangan


    2 Book of Moon

    1 Reinforcement of the Army

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Gladiator Proving Ground

    1 Brain Control


    3 Solemn Judgement(If you don't have solemns, then add 1 more bottomless, an enemy controller, and I guess a Dimensional Prison.)

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Mind Crush

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Waboku

    1 CCV (if you aren't lucky enough to have one(I know I'm not) remove it and Mind Crush for a Dimensional Prison, or a Waboku, or something...Phoenix Wing Wind Blast?...Enemy Controller?)

    Hope this Helped!

    Fusion Deck

    3 Gyzarus

    1 Heraklinos(I know he is hard to get. He is not necessary he just makes the deck a little better)

    Hope this Helped!

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