
Fix my internet connection please?

by  |  earlier

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my pc cant find the server. i tried IE and Firefox. it's not a hardware problem, and the router and modem work; i have two other computers, a mac and a pc, connecting through them. what do i do please?




  1. Hi, do you have much pc knowledge?

    I assume that you are running windows of some form!

    if so try pinging, you do this by : clicking run, enter cmd and this will start a window. in the window type ping

    you should get a response saying it succeeded something like

    "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=244 time=26.8 ms"

    If not then if you know your routers address try to ping it.

    could be that this pc either has a faulty enet interface , its not enabled , or your firewall(if you have one) is bloking everything.

    check all the above if possible, and tell us more about the system.

  2. How do you know it's not a hardware problem? Perhaps your NIC on your computer is fried.

    Double-check the hardware with a free LiveCD such as Knoppix ( ). A LiveCD is a complete Linux system that runs from the CD without making any permanent changes to your existing setup. If the LiveCD allows you to surf the web, you can be confident that the hardware is still okay; if not, you can suspect a hardware problem (assuming Knoppix can handle your hardware properly).

    Since you mention IE, I assume this PC is running Windows of some flavor. My suspicion would be that some sort of malware (virus, trojan, browser hijacker, etc) has gotten into your system. Good luck getting that cleaned out 100%! (Again, a LiveCD would work around that.)

    Of course, you may also have some improper settings in your network setup (wrong subnet mask, etc).

    With the limited information you've provided, the best we can do is make guesses. Sorry.

  3. First I don't wanna sound belligerent, but if you don't know how to troubleshoot this, then how can you be sure it isn't a hardware issue.

    I would say do the following steps to troubleshoot.

    1) Click start goto run then type;


    Then hit enter

    Now type in the command prompt;


    Then hit enter

    If you are returned an IP address of, then you are not connected to the network

    If you get an IP address the same as your router, except for the last octet, IE router IP addy and PC addy as (the 3 being the last octet)

    Then you are connected and should be fine.

    Check out this guide to setup DHCP on the PC

    If this doesnt work then it is either a hardware issue or you have a system issue.

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