
Fix my video!?

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ok i dont know how to edit my videos. my comp. said it cant read them or somthing. help me




  1. Hey there,

    to edit videos you need a software that is able to read any sort of video format, and save your final product in any sort of format.  Microsoft Movie Maker is great, but probably limited.

    I don't know what sort of format you have, so first identify it, and make sure your software can read such format. If it can, then you have a problem with your file. If it can't then you have to somehow convert your video. Any search on with "convert videos" in the search engine will give you options for softwres that do that.

    Once you have transformed your video to a format that your software reads, try again. If it doesn't work, you might have a corrupted file :(

    Anyways, first try Movie Maker, and see where you go from there!

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