
Fix/rate my gladiator deck?

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Gladiator Beast - Hoplomus x 2

Gladiator Beast - Laquari x 2

Gladiator Beast - Murmillo x 1

Gladiator Beast - Darius x 2

Gladiator Beast - Bestari x 2

Test Tiger x 3

Elemental Hero Prisma x 2

DD Crow x 2

Reinforcement of the Army x 1

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Cold Wave x 3


Book of moon x 2

Shrink x 2

Sakuretsu Armor x 3

Mirror Force

Anti-Spell Fragrance x 3

Solemn Judgement x 3

Bottomless Trap Hole x 2

Torrenetial Tribute x 1

Changed this deck slighty after a semi-successful tornament won 3/5 only lost in the mirror match. Mirror match advice would be useful im thinking bout divine wrath. also sakuretsu armor needs to be switched for dimensional prison but they hard to get.




  1. you different need to buy more packs and get better magic and trap cards for your gladiator deck. Suggestions...

    1. gladiator beast andal

    2.double tag team

    3.gladiator proving ground

    4.gladiator beast's battle archfiend shield

    I can list a much more however in my opinion these 4 cards are a most have in a gladiator deck and thery are easy get. You can get these cards from phatom of darkness. Also buy more gladitor assualt packs.

    good luck with your future deck!!!

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