
Fixed Income Need Extra Money - How To Earn Extra Income Working From Home?

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Give me 1-2 good ideas about making money on the side to supplement income from my primary employment. I'm looking to earn extra income from home.




  1. Most of us are on a fixed income and need extra money, specially as the month draws to a close. Gas prices, inflation, economy or job loss -- the reasons are many, but what matters is a solution that works.

    When I was in this situation of needing extra money to run the show, I looked at 2 options:

    - a part-time job

    - an online business

    A part-time job is one of the best ways to fill the need for extra income, every month. Starting an online business, on the other hand, (quite easy once you start doing it) is a lucrative way to have a passive income flow that pays your bills and helps you retire over the long run.

    The best way to earn extra income working from home is to combine the two options so that you always have a source of income to fall back on, come what may.

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