
Fixing a skinny figure?

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i'm having to ask this because in every magazine there's lots of help on how to look slimmer but what if your sick of your boyish figure and want to create curves? lol I'm on a high protein, high carb, high fat diet at the minute in an attempt to gain weight but my metabolism is just working against me.

there's a pic so if you have any advice on how to make my figure look more shapley lol.

Cheers :) Ox.




  1. you look like you have the same body type as I do. In order to get the curves you need, its not all about gaining weight. Try doing some waist exercises to tone your body. I really enjoy the Wii Fit exercises. Also as far as clothes go make sure your jeans aren't too tight in the hip area. Also wrap dresses and empire waist dresses really look cute on me. You dont seem to look anorexic, or too skinny, I would just keep doing what your doing and look for things that have embellishments or sparkles to girl-up your look. Hope this helps =)

  2. hiya hun.

    Well as well as eating more to put weight on you could also work out (but build muscel making you more curvier) my friend is skinny as h**l (well used to be!) she was a size 4/6 now is a size 8/10 due to eating more cals and working out and doing lots of swimming.

    As for clothes stuff like corsets underneath tops can more you more shapely :)

    If you want any more info on what to where just ask.x

  3. umm your not skinny. ur already shapely. youve got nice curves, so why would you want to gain any and look fat?

  4. u look fine in my opinion, but if u want to gain weight I'd just eat more, but not junk food cuz u'll get the wrong kind of curves. Sry that i can't help much.

  5. dam you are hott!

    you have decent cans but can't really see what kinda hip to waist ratio you have at that angle :( post a full frontal shot! looks good tho =D

  6. You're hot as hot! stay the way you are you've got a great figure. thats what guys look for and everything. you've got like the perfect build.

  7. Try putting a bright-colored belt on your waits when wearing a dress or fitted blouse. This will draw eyes to your waist and making it seem smaller than the rest of your body.

  8. You're really not that skinny, and the way you're eating, you're not going to "create curves" you're going to get fat. You need to eat better and do exercises that work your hips and butt.

  9. you are shapely!

    ur utterly gorgeous!

    id KILL to have a figure like yours!


  10. Curves are for girls that are usually a little bit larger or you can just get them at a older age. But you are totally hot from another pretty girls point of view and why diet just have fun! oh and totally dont say hiya its kinds weird? no effence !

  11. i had this problem for YEARS,

    i tried eating alot, forcing myself to eat. but still didnt gain weight,

    so i decided to switch from  semi-skimmed milk to whole milk and eat more frequent.

    and i put on weight very fast!

    stay away from junk food..

  12. girl , u look perfect , but to help u , just try to eat alot , lol , but u look amazing !

  13. are you crazy? don't "fatten up" you're probably very healthy for your height. What you'll want to do is do a lot of ab exercises like crunches and such, and put some muscles in those pectoral muscles with push ups or using weight machines at the gym to try to build up the chest area a little - not too much, as I'm assuming you're just wanting to look more hour-glass-like and not like some Amazon lady. Now, for clothing, pleated skirts will fill out the hip area a lot, and emphasize the breast area with padded bras. If you're going to wear long shirts that go all the way down to your pants you can get cinchures ...  cintures...  I don't know how to spell it, but it's basically kind of like a wide belt that goes around the belly area VERY TIGHT, and is very elastic and will improve both your posture and give you more waist definition. You can also use a real corset if you're looking for more waist. (I say "real corset" because the ones you just put on to look stylish would never hold up to the abuse that a REAL organ-reorganizing corset has to endure)

    However, I'd be really careful about just putting weight on by eating more. You look like an apple-shaped person - meaning that if you put weight on it's going to be all in the upper body, like your stomach and waist, instead of in your butt, b***s and thighs.

    I'd stick with being thin, and just adjust your wardrobe.


    OH - if you're wondering where to get the kinds of clothing I talked about, you might want to take a trip to your downtown fetish clothing shop. Anywhere where you see people going in and out wearing lots of spikey leather. lol... you can also look on the internet if you live in the boonies and heading downtown isn't an option for you.

    Have fun, you look gorgeous anyway!

  14. Your figure seems pretty good, but if you want to get a better shape, then your best bet is to mix an increased calorie intake with a resistance exercise programme.  

    Try upping your calorie intake by 200Cals per day.  This is equivalent to 2 medium bananas or two slices of toast.  Don't eat sugary and fatty foods though.  Your diet should be made up of approximately 55% carbs (pasta, rice, wholegrain bread, potatoes, fruit and veg), 30% fat (olive oil, nuts, fish, meat), 15% protein (veg, beans, lean meat, fish).

    Resistance exercise will help give you a good shape rather than just adding fat. Don't worry, you wont turn into the Hulk or anything, light weights and high reps (12-15reps) will be good for being toned and staying feminine.  the following exercises will help give you shape - squats, lunges, shoulder press, 3/4 press-ups, lower back raises, ab crunches, pronated flyes, bent over dumbbell raises.

    You might also like core stability classes that take place at most good health clubs and gyms.  But remember, the more exercise you do, the more calories your body will burn.  Make sure you take this into account and if 200 Cals isn't working after three weeks, then slowly increase by another 100 Cal's per day for a further three weeks until you find your ideal amount.

  15. Well honestly from what I can see you do not have a boyish figure and it's not healthy to eat like that I don't think because in the end it's gonna catch up and your metabolism is gonna slow down and then you're gonna hate it, so you should just accept yourself for who you are.

    I bet you there are so many people who are jealous of the fact that you can't gain weight anyway, hahah.

    Besides when you're older you're going to wish that you had taken advantage of how you look now.

  16. Hey. I was stuk in the same situation! I cudn't seem to put any weight on...! All the advice i can really give you is that try not eating unhealthy fatty foods e.g. saturated fats...keep to natural fats that are found in things like nuts and seeds, fish, cheese lol....< i no they taste lyk total c**p bu belive me its helped me a lot and now im at a gud weight with a little extra curve lol!! Jus dnt wreck ya body with stuff lyk chocolate and crisps coz ther also high in sugar and salt tht ya dnt want much of in ya body.Hope tht's helpful =D Good Luck!

    Emma x.

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