
Fixing scratches on my xbox games?

by  |  earlier

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how can i attempt this? i read somewhere, not sure where, but using alcohol pads will help a bit

is this true? what else can i do cuz no game stores near me fix games and the machine things cost like $30-$40 and my parents don't wanna buy me one




  1. please don't use toothpaste. i work in a game store in the uk, and we DO fix games, and toothpaste makes them worse. there are some home kits you can get, do a search on "disc repair kits", something like that and they should pop up. they're fairly cheap so it's not a huge disaster if they don't work. I found this...

    i know it's a uk site but if we have them then I'm guessing you can find plenty similar things on US sites.  

  2. my friend says toothpaste works, not sure cuz i never tried it.

  3. i tried toothpaste but i scrached my disc more. but yea try penut butter like everyone else sed i heard it works.

  4. You can usually buy scratch repair kits at stores if not, try running hot water on it then using a soft cloth to wipe it.good luck

  5. no dont use alcohol it erases the disk

    use this teqnique

    put a combination of tooth paste and peanut buuter on the disk

    wait 5 minutes remove it and put back it back on

    after it is back on find a container of somesort fill with baking soda and a diet cola place the disk inside wait ten minutes and remove the disk clean it up all the way and when its clean it looks better than new

  6. u cant fix scratches  

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