
Flaming Stick Using by Police in US?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anybody know about the flaming stick using by police when an accident accored. They using it to block the way. It is flaming stick with red light and it could last about hour. If anyone could give me the correct name and where I could get one, that will be very helpful. Thank you!




  1. Here's a place you can buy flares online:

  2. They are called "road flares" or "safety flares", not flaming sticks.

  3. Road Flares

  4. They're called 'road flares' and can be purchased at auto parts stores, truck stops and Wal Mart.

  5. Road flare.

    See your car parts store, or industrial safety supplier

  6. That is called a "Flare" or "Road Flare" and yes they are used to signify an accident or other problem has occurred so traffic will be warned to proceed with caution. Most car parts stores sell them.

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