
Flanker or Centre?

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Ok, do flankers get really bashed about being part of the scrum? i dont know whether to give it a try.




  1. look my friend all and all the people who get the toughest bashing in a scrum is the props and the hooker because about 1000pounds of weight is on there neck. the flankers have it easy. i think the least hurtful position in the scrum is the flanker because they dont get flappy ears after awhile of playing and no body is putting there weight on them. I think the flankers have it the easiest in the scrum . Overall i think you should give it a try its a really fun sport. But before going to play make sure you knoe your position very well. most injurys happen because people dont knoe what there doing in the game. GOOD LUCK HOPE YA HAVE FUN!

  2. It depends I'd say. They do but it's good position to play in I'd say give it a try, flankers also has great agility

  3. They are both great positions that require high "work rate." Flanker probably more so as you are expected to be at the breakdown early and ofter. "Getting bashed about" is part of the game and flankers get their share as they are involved in a high percentage of breakdowns. The scrum itself is the easy part.

  4. Flankers only really get 'bashed around' at the rucks as they are fighting for the ball, however it is honestly not that bad. And in the scrums, their is no pressure on their necks/backs or anything so no real worry there.

    My self i prefered centre as at flanker, unless the coach likes to use them as a ball runner, all they really do is tackle and get to the breakdown to either protect the ball or steal it from the other team.

    At centre you can still do the flankers job to a certain extent in stealing the ball and you do alot of tackling at centre also, however you also get to run the ball more and in more space than a flanker, centre is just a more fun position.
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