
Flash Burn (aka arc burn, arc eye, welder burn...etc)

by  |  earlier

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Hi, question, i just got work at a welding/machine shop and i know not to look at the welder's arc welding, and i try my best to avoid looking at them welding, matter in fact i try to face my back towards the weld as they are welding.However, i do catch snipets of light in my sidevision everynow and then, and i always quickly turn or close my eyes...etc. I've talked recently to a co-worker about flash burn and i have a few questions. 1, how long to you have to be exposed to the welding light to get flashburn? 2, Is there a way you can tell you have flashburn before it happens? 3, is there anything you can use to get rid of or reduce the effects of flashburn while it is occuring. 4, how long can you have flash burn for? if someone can answer these four questions that'd be great. 10 pts for best answer.




  1. 1.  You do not have to be exposed for long to experience welder's burn if you are close to the welding (for instance if you were the welder).  With increased distance you decrease your likeliness of experiencing it.

    2.  No, you cannot tell you have it before you have it...

    3.  Your best bet is to avoid eye contact with the welding and keep a safe distance.

    4.  The burn is usually not very severe and therefore heals in a few days.  It still can be very painful and I've had to put patients on lubricating and antibiotic drops to prevent infection.

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