
Flash Johnny AdvocatesJust had a race to 20 with yahoo and forfeited?

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Better hurry the seats open gonna miss you guys but ive just had it with their spyware BS just bout the full picture .this is the only good part i found in the whole thing you guys take it easy .ill be in the bar talking Bs bout pool come see an old man if you ever get to texas ill buy the beer


Lots Of practice




  1. What a shame, I just came to visit and you seemed interesting.  

    Don't know much about pool, was reasonably decent at it once upon a time in the distant past, most likely not in your league. Loved the game, the challenge, the strategy, the technique.

    Admire your honesty about spelling.

    Enjoyed the humor I saw.

    Might try posting your question about Flyboy from LA in another section... like mmm hold on, I'll be back.

    EDIT:  Okay try posting it in the TRAVEL category under LosAngeles or even under Family and Relationships general... something along those lines.

    Best to you.

    And wait two or three days really.

  2. People with a great sense of humor as yours are hard to come by. Can't be cuttin' out on us now. Take a break, re-group, and get back in stroke. We'll be here. Haven't heard all your great pool stories yet. Later, Jay

  3. OK Hillbilly whats going on ? Your going to quit whens the last time that happend. get in touch.Kid said there all the same anyway I dont know

    Who is going to keep them straight this lady thinks flyboy is a pilot ..Mam he is a road player from Louisanna .

  4. Are you kidding me?  Who's going to give me all the best answers so I can make it onto the leaderboard? If it's just Yahoo you've got the problem with, maybe try the forum on  I just signed up the other day but I haven't posted anything yet...Are you really serious? If you give me the six, I'll race you to seven for $1000 (if you stick around). :)

  5. Johnny , Johnny , Johnny think about it man. Don't know what kinda trouble your havin with spyware but there are remedies out there to prevent it. I use a norton firewall and antivirus and i also delete all of my temporary internet files and history everyday. I have no spyware problems at all. I'm not saying norton is the greatest but it works for me.Theres tons of stuff available to prevent spyware. Some of it is even free and available on line.  Don't know what else to say , can't make ya stay if ya don't want to. Kinda feel like I know ya even though I don't . Gonna miss ya man. Hope ya stay around. Stay down and follow through.later

  6. He is super PO with Yahoo trying to charge him to remove a parasite they let on the PC just to let you know he is not mad at ( anyone )just yahoo its the third time its happend to us.

    Oh  Im Mrs Johnny

                                     just thought I would let you know Monica

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