
Flat Earth Society - do they take themselves seriously?

by Guest33077  |  earlier

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I have been reading about the Flat Earth Society

The alternative 'theories' they use to explain observations whose most obvious explanation is that Earth is sphere are very imaginitive and far-fetched. But do they seriously believe them, or is it just a big joke?




  1. Since the founder of the group died a few decades ago, the group has split, with one portion still going at it for a different purpose:  provide a forum to discuss far fetched idea.  (A bit like a debate club:  you win on how well you debate, not on whether you actually believe in your idea).

    The second half are people who are forced to believe in a flat Earth because they were brainwashed into believing some far fetched interpretations of the Bible.  Since the Bible talks of Earth being immobile and having four corners, then it cannot be a sphere, free to move in space.  That second group has lost a lot of grounds with the death of the leader.

    They are the ones who had started the original "Moon Landing is a Hoax" hoax a long time ago.  All the modern versions of the Hoax hoax are pale imitations of the work of the (now dead) leader.

  2. Of course it's flat, how else does a spirit level work, ask father Christmas, he'll explain

  3. Of course they do, fortunately no-one else does!

  4. Raymond is right about there being two factions.

    Actually, I'm friends (well, friendly adversaries with some common ground) with a science fiction author who is a member of the Flat Earth society.  He knows very well the Earth isn't flat, and he has spoken of fellow members who know this as well.

    So there are at least some of them who don't take themselves that seriously at all.

  5. It's quite common for mentally ill people to take themselves very seriously indeed. It's part of the disease.

  6. though it might sound stupid but as far as i know they completely and totally still believe earth is flat.

  7. When they call their members, they take into account what time zone they're in, so they don't call too early or late.  Of course, on a really flat Earth, there are no time zones, this this isn't an issue that must be addressed.

    Nod, nod, wink, wink.

  8. Very possibly the most dangerous thing in life is the idea accepted unexamined.

  9. haha wow I neva new that people actualy believed this  tho my old boss did tell me theres a group of people somwhere who believe they can live foreva on mind power, and some people are breatharians and believe tht they dnt need to eat or drink air can sustain them, thers obv alot of mad people in this world.

  10. I think they are proved wrong.

  11. It's a joke just like the moon landings

  12. yup, sadly, i think they actually do. if they just opened their eyes for a second they would realize how ridiculous they are. What a joke.

  13. I think it was a very literal interpretation of the bible.

    Given that many people today still believe that the earth was created in 6 days and many believe in creation rather than evolution, it doesn't surprise me that people would believe it.

  14. I'd love to know who's been giving the thumbs down. Probably a Flat Earth nutjob. Incredible as it may sound, they do seem to take themselves seriously, which in my mind pretty much confirms that they have mental health problems.

  15. Yes, they really do believe this junk.  It is amazing at how closed minded that some people can be.  All they need to do is to open their eyes and look at a horizon and you can see for yourself that it is round.  

    There is one guy here who answers all of the questions by spamming this website.  He feels it's his desitny to bring his version of truth to the world.  All you can do is report him and shake your head in amazment of his pea brain.

  16. If they are serious than they must be nuts. Sorry. We have millions of photos of Earth from space. It's just logical.

  17. Flat earth, hollow earth, extraterrestrial archaeology, advanced ancient civiliations with ET intervention.  There are gaps (some tiny) in the official explanations that leave enough room for these alternative theories to gain a foothold (especially the last).  Not to say the alternative theories are technically sound; a flat earth seems impossibe based on every law of physics that can be applied.  Do they take themselves seriously, sure.  People need to believe in something, and the camraderie and support of like-minded crackpots gives them that, as well as a shred of hope that they may be onto a truth that 99.99% of the population won't accept.  The feeling of saying "I told you so" against those odds can be gratifying indeed.

  18. THe earth is'nt flat, it's doughnut shaped !

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