
Flea medication question D:?

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Ok so I had put advantage on my kitties about a week and a half ago, but my one kitten got into some water and got soaked, but not THAT bad but still a decent amount of water. Think the meds should still be fine or no? :<




  1. Yes,

    Advantage flea control for dogs and cats. Advantage flea control kills and prevents fleas. Advantage flea treatment kills 98% of fleas within 12 hours and continues to work for up to one month on your pet per application. This flea control medicine also breaks the flea life cycle by killing flea larvae. Bayer Advantage can be used on puppies and kittens. Advantage is water-resistant, so it kills fleas even after shampooing and exposure to rain.


    Good Luck

  2. Yes, it&#039;s actually fine to bathe them three days after they had the treatment, so your kitten is still protected!  

  3. It should be fine!!

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