
Fleas and babies! Please Help?

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I don't have a cat anymore but the fleas in my carpet are out of control. I'm afraid to use anything chemical related because my baby is just starting to crawl. Any suggestions?




  1. Put down salt and after letting it sit on there for a day or two sweep up the salt. It will kill the fleas.

  2. Stanley Steamer can suck um right up. If your cat just recently died { :( }    The fleas will tend to be out of control more then when the cat was alive.

    Borax! LEave it in the carpet for a day or two and then vacuum it up. it dehydrates the fleas. ( Might whiten your carpet to ;). Don't let the baby near the carpet while the borax is in there because im unsure of what borax does to babies.

  3. I know how you feel.  We just got rid of our fleas.  They would multiply and we don't even have cats!  My ankles were so bitten up!  It itched so bad.

    1 way to get rid of them is to get an exterminater which cost 120 and they spray your whole house.  Then if it looks like the exterminater didnt get rid of them they will do it agian for free.  It's call termix center.  After there done clean your home really good, vaccum, mop, dust.

    2 way is to bomb your home with this stuff that is very strong.  You leave it and lock all of your windows and shut the doors.  Get your family out and go somewhere for 2-3 hours.  Then clean.

    3 way is to clean your house really good vaccum your run , couches, basement, beds everything you have.  And get this spray called flea spray it's for carpets and furniture.  If you see a flea jumping on you you can spray it and it will die.



  4. you may want to try citrus oil but I wouldn't consider taking your baby to the park and bombing the place. Hey its a baby and you don't want your little pufffin getting bit. I would bomb. My cat has fleas and I just got done spraying my place and I just cleaned everything. But do like other suggested and get rid of or steam clean that carpet. Diatomacious earth is bad to inhale and borox the baby may breakout from.  

  5. I had this awful problem myself and I used an electric flea trap.  It is a  sticky tray that has a light  on it.  You can put it out at night when everyone is  sleeping.  In the morning it will be full of trapped fleas.  It worked great for me

  6. You need to get rid of the fleas.  I would see if you can go stay at your folks place and bomb to house.  Then shampoo the carpets.  You don't want to let the baby crawl around in fleas.

  7. What I would do is have a bug guy come and flea bomb your house. Stay in a hotel or at your friends house while they do this. After words, go check out your house. If you find one flea, any where, you should then buy a TON of flea powder, and put it on everything. While doing this, you should still not let the baby in the house. You could also try getting new carpet, or you could just move to some other house with no fleas.

  8. Get rid of the carpet.

  9. there are organic

    flea killers  

  10. Why do you want fleas and babies to answer your question??

  11. I love things to be as natural as possible, too.  However, fleas are a tough problem to tackle organically.  When we first moved into our home my youngest was 5 months old and we had a horrible flea problem (obviously we didn't know about it when we purchased the house).  I tried all sorts of natural stuff and nothing worked.  We had to call an exterminator.  He assured me that once the "stuff" dries it is no longer harmful to humans.  But, to be on the safe side I would have the carpets steamed after your house is treated. Unless you want to rip up all the carpet, vacuum 2 x a day and throw away the bag after each use, then I am sorry to say I think you are going to have to call an exterminator.

  12. try fogging the house and leave for a few hours to let it do it's work Then before you let the baby down on the floor vacuum the floor.If possible have a expert spay the house it works better and less harmful for humans. If you go ahead with the fogging go ahead and re-fog the house again at least 3 times, with the recommended wait time so that the eggs that hatch after the fogger are killed. Good Luck  

  13. Replace the carpet or if you can't treat it and then have it cleaned!  

  14. hi

    The vet told me a good vacuum really does a lot of good. Also I have read natural alternatives remedies- google it because i am afraid i cannot remember where i read them...but they also state they are not 'great' and dont do that good a job.

    I would suggest using a proper product like Frontline spray for the house/carpets. Use in the evenings when your baby is in bed and the fumes will have gone by the morning so it should be safe. To be extra safe you may want to take her on an outing for the following day or something, then when you get home vacuum really thoroughly and the flea;s should be gone- then this may need repeating a few days later. that is my best idea! GOod luck; i have cats and young children too.


    I have a NATURAL remedy for getting rid of fleas in your house.

    Go to the Store and buy some 20 Mule Team BORAX.

    Then sprinkle it all over. Carpets, couch, bedding, pillows, pet beds, car, even wood floors. (NOT ON YOUR PET!)


    What Boax does is coats the eggs ... The eggs hatch deformed or unable to reproduce.

    You will have to do this 2 or 3x about a week apart in order to get all the egg cycles.

    FOR YOUR PET. Use the flea killer that is on the market or use a flea comb (this is also a head lice comb) especially for kittens or puppys who are too young to have insecticide put on them.

    Kill the fleas that you find on the comb with soap or alcohol

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