
Fleas on kitten... do you have a home remedy?

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Just got a small kitten, she's covered in fleas, does anyone know of a home remedy to get rid of them. I can't get to the store tonight?




  1. Some of these answers are scary!!!!

    As a veterinary professional I can tell you the safest thing to use on your kitten if its under 8 weeks is dawn dish detergant.

    Use a flea comb to manually remove the fleas from the kitten.

    DO Not put anything in its drinking water or use borax. I have seen toxicities in kittens with the use of such "home remedies".

    Do no bath the cat in citrus because it will drive your cat mad. Cats hate citrus.

    Once your cat is 2 pounds and  8 weeks of age  a safe an effective product like frontline or revolution can be used.

    To every one out there that flea dips their cats your lucky if your cats doing well. Avoid bathing with flea products as toxicities can be life threatening. Avoid at all costs.

    Avoid flea collars as they cause skin irritation,accidental hangings and do not stop the flea life cycle

    Spend your money safely and wisely. Buy your frontline,advantage or revolution from your vet not the pet store as it will not be considered an authentic product.

    Do not risk your pets well being by using biospot or sargeants or hartz products. They fail to be effective and cause neurological problem in many cats.

    This is a kitten and dawn dish detergant the blue kind is your safest option.

  2. Dosing kittens is very dangerous.  Please take to a vet.  Thanks!

  3. I really don;t know if there is a home remedy that will be safe for the kitty.  You may be able to wash her with ivory hand soap, or an antibacterial soap.  It will not cure her flea situation but may make her feel better for a little bit until the next day.

    Frontline plus for cats is wonderful, it kills ALL fleas in 12 hours.  It is worth the money it costs.  Good luck, i hate fleas.

  4. Take to a vet immediately.  They give them a shot that clears fleas up in a matter of hours.  

    If you don't the fleas will win and the kitten could die.


  5. Home remedies are NOT always safe for cats. Many so called natural or homes remedies are deadly to cats & can kill a cat or give it severe side effect.

    So I wouldn't risk it if I were you. I take it to the vet and get the proper stuff.

    Also you could ring up the vets & ask.

  6. Yes there is I asked the same questions about 1 month ago check this out.Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    I have used 'Over the counter" and they aren't as good (or as stong) as the ones you get from the vet. There are some websites that sell Atvantage, Frontline, and Atvantix too so you might look them up.

    Make sure your house is flea free though or they will be reinfested.

    here's how to keep it flea free.


    I have a NATURAL remedy for getting rid of fleas in your house.

    Go to the Store and buy some 20 Mule Team BORAX.

    Then sprinkle it all over. Carpets, couch, bedding, pillows, pet beds, car, even wood floors. (NOT ON YOUR PET!)


    What Boax does is coats the eggs ... The eggs hatch deformed or unable to reproduce.

    You will have to do this 2 or 3x about a week apart in order to get all the egg cycles.

    FOR YOUR PET. Use the flea killer that is on the market or use a flea comb (this is also a head lice comb) especially for kittens or puppys who are too young to have insecticide put on them.

    Kill the fleas that you find on the comb with soap or alcohol

  7. Give the kitten a bath with a citrus scented, liquid, dish soap. Fleas hate that. if you have a fine tooth comb, try running it through the fur and then using the bathwater to drown the fleas. make sure to clean under the armpits/thighs. fleas like to hang around there.

  8. I did it for about 10 years when I had indoor outdoor kitties, now only indoor, so no need any more but it was a life savor!!

    How I got rid of fleas and bugs from my home

    You will need to purchase a simple bug/fly zapper; the type you use on a patio to kill flying insects.  You can buy a small one that will cover a large area of your house at most home improvement stores for as little as 20.00-30.00 dollars.  For faster results you can use one bug zapper for each room.  However the fleas do gravitate to the bug zapper’s light once night sets in and all the lights in your house are out. So one should work for a small home, just make sure to place it in the room where the most fleas are seen or felt.   Place the zapper on the floor in a corner behind a piece of furniture so kids and pets won’t play with or bother it. Set it on a plate or pie tin for easy cleaning up of the zapped bugs, you will be killing all bugs in your home as well, and then plug it in.  Remember, it is a piece of electrical equipment.  You have to use caution in where you put it. At night the fleas automatically want to go to a light, when they hop in to the bug zapper light they get fried! You can actually hear little, zits, zits when the fleas are getting zapped! All GONE! Keep the carpet vacuumed daily until your flea problem is under control, this will help tremendously in getting the fleas eggs out of your home and carpet faster!!  I am not responsible for misuse of the above item.  Use full caution in placing your bug zapper to the safest place.  It will work for months, even years; it will continue to kill bugs in your home as long as the light is on.  The bulb can be replaced once it burns out.  The light bulb can be purchased at most home improvement stores.

  9. Well if it is a baby baby kitten put on baby powder!!

    I had the same thing happen!!

    You can also bath it but when it is maybe walking!!

    Well good luck!!

  10. dont worry, get ahold of some blue dawn dish soap.  wet the kitten, and apply the soap all over her body, including her head because thats where the fleas run to.  let it sit for 5 minutes, then rinse out.  be careful rinsing her head and protect her eyes.  i got a kitten a few weeks ago that had fleas and after i washed her in the soap she doesnt any longer.  this is very safe and very gentle.  flea shampoos are too harsh for babies, and if you cant go to a vet , this is the best answer for ya!!

  11. people will say "take her to the vet" blah, but how are you gonna do that when they are closed?  lol.

    here are some things that have worked for me, and other suggestions:

    Put about 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar in pets drinking water.

    Slice a lemon and put into boiling water.  let it stand for a day, and spray the liquid onto the dogs coat two or three times a week.

    place borax around your yard where your pets cannot reach it or come in contact with it.  it will keep fleas out of your yard.

    this website will also help you out with other remedies

  12. Don't do any home remedy or buy any medicines from the pet store or walmart. call the vet up tomorrow, tell them your cat has fleas, go pick up the medicine. they won't need to examine your cat if you have a recent weight. the medicine from the vet isn't expensive, and it comes out cheaper in the end since it actually works. the products sold in pet stores and walmart are toxinc to animals and not safe. there is very little regulation in the pet industry. don't use any soap or citrus on your cat. citrus is toxic to cats and they hate the smell.

  13. Dawn Dish Detergent (the blue kind )if you have it you also need a flea comb or you can try tea tree oil but make sure u delute it with water.Good luck Fleas r so gross!! I just de flead two of my cats.

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