
Flex Rail Fencing - any comments on how it works for you?

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I want to invest in some flex rail - 4.5 or 5 " (wide ribbon type) .... it is going to take all my savings - but I have an escape artist who goes through single and double hot wire.

Can this rail REALLY take a big horse leaning on it? Do they really NOT chew it?

Any other comments on this type of fencing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks




  1. Well, I don't have one - but from what I know about the think wire fences, they're very nice. I'd love to put up some of that wire fence, and I have a feeling the rail fence is even better - but I'm too darn poor to afford it, lol. Thankfully my only escape artist can be kept in easier than yours probably can.

    It's very strong, the wire fence is - and I'm sure the rail fence is stronger.  The "no chew" reason is because it's not like wood, it's more solid - the horses can try to chrib on it, but i don't think it's going to give them anything. And, yes, if properly put up it should handle a bit horse fine. The wire is my favorite, put within the big metal post. You put it right through the middle of metal posts and there is no way that wire is going anywhere, and if you get big enough wire it has a high hold, I've never seen a horse manage to bust through that 0_0 but on the website they do claim the flex rail withstands more pressure than the wire, so who knows;)

    If I had the money, I'd be buying it, personally.

  2. Good stuff and far more effective than hot wire fencing.  I've not had a horse chew it, and have not had any breaks.  One real positive is that it's real visible, not like hot wire, so they are less likely to run through it without seeing it.

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