
Flexi problem.??? splits ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I practice my splits and stretches every day at least once for 30 minutes or more, but even though I warm up before them and hold every stretch at least 30 seconds, the next day I seem to be farther away from the ground until I stretch till I get where I started- what's going on??




  1. Make sure youre doing the right kind of stretches, you may be pushing yourself further than what your body is ready for. This could be making your mucsles stiff and be making it harder for you to get lower. Some stretches to help with splits are :

    put your legs out in 2nd position and lean forward and try and put your chest on the ground.

    sitting down, put your legs together in front of you and try and get your chest on your thighs

    lunges, make sure your front leg is at a 90 degree angle

    just make sure to only do what your body allows and you will get there in time :) hope i helped

  2. When you stretch for long periods of time, you get a lot more flexible than where you started. You will not be that flexible the next day until you stretch it out just as long as you did the last day. But don't worry, if you keep stretching like you are now, you'll have the splits quicker than you'd expect.

    Keep it up, in a week or two you'll notice a difference with the stretching you're doing.

  3. maybe you're doing them for too long or too often maybe it would be better if you checked with a doctor

  4. just hold it for longer and ignore the pain and push yourself to your limit, if you really want it you will push yourself harder then ever before  

  5. hmm i know wat you mean but if you dont cool down after doing your splits that could effect you wen you go do them the next time. it could also be a breathing issue (not that you have anything wrong with your breathing) if you take deep breaths as you go down itll make it somewhat easier for you and just take it slowly- try and push yourself a bit further each time and it WILL take time for you to get down in the splits- you proably arent  going to just wake up one day and be flat on the ground..

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