
Flexibility problem?

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What are some good stretches/exercises for becoming more flexible.. I Know it takes a while but my new years resolution was to be more flexible ( its a little late ) lol




  1. Get a yoga or pilates book. It's really gentle but the results are so quick to appear; trust me!

  2. Here's some good stretches:

    ~Nose to knee/touching your toes- Touch your toes with your legs together, then plie in between times and do that a few times.  Then on your last plie hug your knees and straighten them keeping your arms around your legs it should give you a great stretch.  Then move your feet apart a little and touch your toes/the floor, plie in between but you can't hug your legs.  Then turn to each leg and try to touch your nose to your knee, then repeat on the other leg.

    ~Lunges- these are a sort of running lunges, first start with going down as far as you can with your bag leg still straight all the way and your hands on the ground, hold that for a little bit, then go down to your elbows but keep your legs straight, then finally go down all the way letting your leg/knee touch the floor.  Repeat on other side.

    ~Butterfly- put the bottoms of your feet together and press down your knees, then stretch down trying to go down as far as possible, repeat.

    ~Legs straight- simply straighten your leg in front of you and point first and go down as far as you can, hold it a little bit, come up and repeat with flexed feet.

    ~Straddle- put your legs in a V position while sitting down.  First point your feet and stretch over one leg, then the other, then try to touch your nose to your knee on one leg, then the other.  Then stretch in the center and keep your arms out in front of you and keep them straight don't put your elbow down.  Stretch as far as you can then repeat with flexed feet.

    ~Splits- be careful with splits, make sure you've done all the above stretches thouroghly first.  Just go into your center, right and left and hold for 30 seconds each, and gradually hold it more time everyday.

    Hope this helps, and hope you get very flexible fast!!! :)

  3. just check out some workout vids and stuff

  4. Stretching requires you to be dedicated, and willing. You won't be able to just accomplish things right away, and it will take some time and practice. Stretching at a minimum usually takes me about 30 minutes. I would recommend that you don't worry about the time it takes to stretch to begin with, but eventually you should start to build yourself up to stretching everyday for at least 30 minutes.

    You should start off with a full body stretch. Start with your feet in second position (about shoulder length apart), and touch your toes. Hold for 8 counts. Bend at the knees for 2 counts and then straighten knees again and hold for 8 counts. Put feet together (parallel) and do the same thing).  Next go into a a lunge on your right side, keeping you back leg straight. Hold for 8 counts. Pull your back leg up so that your butt is in the air. Hold for 8 counts. Switch legs. Sit on the ground, and put your legs into second position, opening them as wide as you can. Lean to your right and try to touch your nose to your leg, and then aim to get your stomach to your leg as well. Do this with your foot pointed and flexed on both sides holding each of them for 8 counts. Now, stay in the same position and lay forward. Make sure to keep your knees pointed UP, and make sure that they don't fall forward. Aim to get your stomach and nose to the ground. Sit up and bring your legs together. Lean forward aiming to get your nose and stomach to touch your leg. Do this with your feet pointed and flexed, holding each for a count of 8. Next, bring your feet together while still sitting on the ground. Pull them in towards your groin a bit, and lean forward. Keep your back straight and aim to get your nose and stomach to the ground. Hold for a count of 8. Now, sit in your left, right, and middle split for a count of 8 on each. Make sure not to bounce while in the splits, and use your arms to hold you up if you can't sit comfortably. Once you are able to do the splits lift up your hands and practice balancing. (keep your back straight!!) For more difficulty you can try to touch you nose to your leg while in the splits, or try over stretching your splits by putting something under you back and front leg to elevate them.

    Stretching is often uncomfortable, and I recommend that you find something to distract yourself. Stretch while listening to music, talking with friends or family, watching TV, etc. Always make sure when stretching though that you are being careful and you don't hurt yourself. Stretching should be uncomfortable, but not painful. Bouncing is bad for your muscles. Make sure to take things slowly and not try too hard. Good luck!!

  5. do some taebo
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