
Flexibility ? ? ?

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I am trying to become as flexible as possible. . I have my right splits and I almost have my left, but how can i get my middle? I need some good stretches to become as flexible and as strong as possible by the end of the summer. Also Im trying to get better at my turns . . any suggestions on how I can learn faster? ?




  1. Ok, im a dancer, i am new to ballet and i had to learn how to piruette, i can now do a double perfectly. What you need to think about is keeping good posture, and being right up on your demi point, whether is is ballet or jazz either have your leg parallell or turned out, and if instructed have your toes resting at your knee. As you turn, make sure you sport your head, your head is the first to leave and the first to return. When you finish make a nice ending and try not to wobble to much.

    As for flexibility, i am too working on mine. What you can try is lay on your back and put your legs straight up either leaning against a wall or free standing, split your legs to the side as far as you can, doing this against the wall with help you more with flexibilty as you can push your legs down, but doing it free standing will help you with strength aswell as flexibility. you can hold this for as long as you want, i usually hold it for a whole song. After this do some lunges and hip stretches, then practice your splits, right, left and centre. Hold your splits for about 1 minute each, doing this will really help, but dont push yourself to much as you may injure yourself. I am a dancer and stretching with the wall stretch has really helped me improve, also lunges and hip stretches are good for my right and left splits.

    I hope you get better and good luck.


  2. so firstly do a handstand against the wall and slowly bring your legs down into the splitz and hold it there as long as possible. when you get really good at this you can sometimes go past the splitz and it looks really cool

    lie against a wall with your but touching the wall and bring your legs down into the splitz. hold it there for like three minites or listen to a song and do it for the whole song. normally straight after you do this you should be able to the the middle splitz for a few minutes but keep doing this and youll be able to the middle splitz 24-7

    thirdly get a ballet barr or something like that and put your heel on it. slowly put your weight on your leg so that you slide down the bar and go on your supporting legs heel keep sliding until your in the splitz or maybe even further

    this is called the froggy splitz. spread your legs out like splits except bend them so your feet face the back lean forward on your arms and try to push your body down.

    good luck with your flexibility

  3. i took a conditioning for dance class and here is/are some of the things that we did to increase our flexibility.

    we would sit and spread our legs as far as we can and use our hands to reach out as far as we can. Then we would have someone hold us down. We would stay like that for 30-60 seconds. Doing this for 60 seconds a day EVERYDAY will help you with your flexibility. As for the turns... all I can think about is taking a ballet class.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Ah turns. Fun.

    Don't worry mine aren't very good either but i just got an amazing new teacher and they are rapidly getting better.

    remember to:

    - bend you knees on the prepatation

    - push off the back foot

    - pull up

    - get your head around as quickly as possible

    - push up, not around

    - get your foot to your knee as quickly as you can - don't just let it hang

    For flexiblility - yoga or pilaties. Or both.

  5. try yoga

  6. ok

    1) lie on the floor face up, put your legs up onto a wall so your legs are flat agaist the wall and your butt meets the wall where the wall meets the floor. slowly spread your legs into as much split as possible. bring your toes as close as possible to the floor. your feet should be on opposite sides of your body. slowly push down your knees to the floor.

    2) stand up normally. Bend your knees and place both your hands firmly on the ground. bring your feet at the widest distance from each other as possible. your body's weight should slowly bring yourpelvis closer and closer to the floor, bring you closer and closer to the middle splits.
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