
by  |  earlier

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okay this guy hs a BEAUTIFL picture of san diego at night and i wanna save it but it won''t let me. like when i save it the image says "spaceball" and it says i can save it but when i go to my pix its blank. whats wrong?




  1. you can email people on flkr. tell him you really like t andask im to send it to you as an attachment.

  2. print screen it

    then go to paint

    and crop it out

    and save it as a jpg.

    the print screen button is in the column on where the arrow buttons are, at the very top left.

    heres a pic of the print screen button if you still have no idea what i am talking about.

    what print screening is, is it takes a picture of your entire desktop screen, including your taskbar. it copys it so when you paste it into paint, you can crop the picture out.

    hope i helped :)
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