
Flies everywhere in my room?

by  |  earlier

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eh, well this is really freaking me out. there's like.. probably 10 flies in my room, on my wall, if not more. i don't understand what could possibly be attracting them? I've never had this problem before, and there's no garbage or anything in here..




  1. Just spray a little mortein or similar.  Who know's why.... there flys.

  2. Check there is nothing  outside your window that could be attracting them in

  3. I had that problem once last summer. I do think it might be the heat. I bought some fly strips from the grocery store (sticky strips of fly paper you unroll and hang up). That caught most of them after about a week. And also- really gross, but maybe check all around your house and make sure there isn't anywhere there might be maggots, like at the bottom of a trashcan, a pet's litter box, etc. That might be the source as well.

  4. seriously ..get a venus fly traps and put in the window sills in your room ..they are cool plants..

  5. Do you have a/c? Is it really hot in your room? Try to make it as cool as possible. I had no air conditioning in my old house and we would find flies literally everywhere because they love the heat. Hope the problem gets better. Good luck. :)

  6. seal all cracks and holes in the house & in the screens.  keep the doors closed.  the lifecycle of a fly is very short, so if you're not keen on killing them, they will die soon.

  7. They love the heat so keep doors and windows closed so they can't come in and then kill um!!  :0)

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