
Flies in my room :o?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so today i was downstairs allll day

i come upstairs to go to bed, and there are what seem like i think what they are fruitflies, BUT, i have NO food in my room what-so-ever, so i'm pretty confused about it, but all i want to know, is how the HECK do i get rid of them, i tried to kill them with febreeze but that just doesnt seem to work, and they are annoying the crapp out of me, so if someone can give me an idea on how to kill them using regular household items so i don't have to go out and buy new stuff and never have to use it again


Danii <3




  1. thats weird!, i have the same problem!

    i don&#039;t know where they are coming from. they are probably let in from outside and they are coming from the kitchen. i usually just wait till they land somewhere and kill them. lol.

  2. Do you have plants in your room/house?

    I know I&#039;m getting BOMBARDED by them, and they are coming from the plants! The moisture in the pots is a good breeding ground for them. Anything moist in your house will attract them and they will multiply.

    Use an over the counter spray around the edges of the rooms in your home. Check under your garbage pails for little colonies...and spray spray spray!

    hope this helps.
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