
Flight attendants??

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i am currently a senior in high school and thinking about becoming a flight there anyone who already is one and can tell me a little about it and/or if they enjoy it,etc.???any information will help :))




  1. you have to be a certain height, weight & have a personality.  THEN you have to maintain a certain weight.  Apply online with any airline.

  2. From the interview to training to the actaul job.

    Interview - Apply online to any airline that is hiring.  Depending on the airline they will usually call you for a group interview.  If they like you after that point they will call you for a one on one interview.  If all goes well you will be hired on the spot and invited to attend their training course.

    Training - This can last anywhere from 1-2 months depending on the airline.  Mine was only a month.  Training is very hard.  You have to learn everything: safety procedures, emergency evacuations, service, policies and procedures, different kinds of planes they fly, rules and regulations, FARS, and so on.  The reason its hard is because the trainers actually scare you alot.  They want to make sure you are right for the job so they definitely challenge you.  They watch how you interact with the other students or if you are a loner.  If you respect the students and the teachers.  The way you act through training is possibly also the way you will act when you have the job.  Dont get study study.

    Being a flight attendant - You have worked so hard to be here...sadly the hard work still isnt complete.  There is something called "reserve."  I cringe when I say it.  Reserve is different again with any company.  I was only on reserve for 7 months.  Some airlines like Delta only have 3 reserve days a month and the rest of the month you have a line.  A line basically means a set schedule, you know where your flying and what time.  After you get through reserve its your time to take a HUGE sigh of relief.  You can now fully enjoy your career.  And it is an AWESOME career.  Yes you deal with unruly passengers and passengers who dont respect you and talk to you how they want.  BUT what job is easy all the time.  I have 20 days off a month...and those days off I can travel stay home or get a second income.  Your life really is in your hands with this career.  Its not the most repected job in America anymore...but it is still a career that is so much fun and its a career where anyone you talk to will be interested in the stories you have to tell.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. no idea, but i wanted to b one, good luck

  4. Is there a difference between a flight attendant and a waitress?  

    Yes, a waitress gets tips.

  5. Being a flight attendant is a very interesting job. I was absolutely the entire time. I only quit to go back to college. It is not very dangerous, all safety precautions and such are there.  I think that you would love the job. Go for it. Every day, I wish I was back doing that. It is fabulous.

  6. ill tell u when i become one too!

  7. Hi:  I was a flight attendant for 25 years with 2 major airlines.

    Training isn't that difficult as long as you pay attention and do your homework every single evening.

    I had a couple of jobs before becoming a F/A and I didn't enjoy them nearly as much as being with the airlines.  Before I took 'early retirement' last year, I was making close to 60,000 per year.  Shortly after I left, there was a major pay reduction at the airline.  Anyway, you don't make much at the beginning of your career, but if you stick with it, you can have a decent lifestyle.  Toward the end, I only worked about 10 days per month, or less, as I had generous vacation accrual,

    which I took in monthly increments.  The passengers actually got a lot less demanding after 9/11.

    I enjoyed not being supervised while on duty; the camaraderie of my crewmembers, and the flexibility of scheduling.  The job either gets in your blood or it doesn't -- you won't know for at least a year - probably two - if it is something you want to make a life-long career.  Good luck to you, whatever you decide.

  8. pay = rubbish

    You only stay in that place for about 1 - 2 nights

    Tired all the time

    Not much break

    Have to work some weekends

    When you start off you can't really choose where you go so you end up going somewhere horrible.

    It is REALLY fun though! I wanted to be one for a while...

  9. I don't plan on being a flight attendant, but a pilot.

    I do know some things though.

    It's not easy being a flight attendant, the competition is very high since it's also a dream job in a way. Traveling around the world, getting free flights at times, good stuff....

    But there's the bad parts too. Well, in the future if you hope to have a family, watch out. You won't be home all the time, you're almost gone practically half the month. And the pay is not too good considering you're responsible for so many lives. There are some passengers who are COMPLETE a**holes! But you HAVE to be veeery patient and kind. I heard a story of a passenger who was jerking off in the midst of everyone on the plane, even around children. It's the flight attendants responsibilty to make him stop. I even heard of someone who was too big to fit in the bathroom, so she ended up doing 'it' on a newspaper and miss. And guess who cleaned it up? Yes, that's right, the flight attendants.

    It's alright to hate the passengers you know, just not out loud.

    Ah yes, how could I forget this one, the airline pilots themselves. Some of them are not nice, in fact, my mother's cousins daughter hears this story all the time. Her friends are flight attendants, and they get blackmailed all the time from the pilots. Remember I told you the job is competitive? So nobody wants to risk losing it. Well anyway, if you don't sleep with em, they blackmail you. Yes, there are pilots like that. Their are even videos of it, and I bet you're wondering how I know. Well, being a curious person and this is a field I want to study AND i'm a female, I went to a few p**n sights and saw stewardesses stripping at 39000 feet in front of the pilots. What a disgrace....

    But don't worry! I know the risks too, I probably have to go through that as well. But that's not going to discourage me, no job is perfect you know. So YOU gotta report those stuff, maybe carry around a recorder every now and then and once someone bothers ya, sneak into your pocket and turn it on. Then you got proof. So it's alright.

    It's a dream job, trust me, but with a lot of risks. It's a VERY terrifying feeling knowing that you have to remain every passenger calm, including yourself, when there's an emergency situation.

    But in the end, it's worth it =)

    OH! I almost forgot! Here's a story of a flight attendant herself. She records her voyage now and then. It's really worth it, check it out!
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