
Flight time question? please answer?

by Guest62719  |  earlier

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to become a pilot, some company requires 1000 hours of flight time. How do you get that flight time? is it flight school? private jet? please answer




  1. i got a job right out of school.. 250 hours TT 14 hours ME

    i fly a large turbo prop for a freight company... awesome job.. just what i was looking for.. you dont need to become a flight instructor or rent a plane to get to 1000 hours.. the industry will hire you with minimal time.. but it doesnt hurt to have around 500 hours and 50 ME.. some schools have partners that will hire you with minimal time as well.. when you get all your certificates and ratings.. just start sending resumes out.. you never know what your gonna get back..

  2. Unless you go through the military, the answer is flight school, personal flying through renting or owning your own plane, plus entry level jobs moving up the ladder from small propeller driven single-engine planes to multi-engine, then perhaps turboprops or jets. Unless you're wealthy, buying any significant amount of flight time such as 1,000 hours, much less doing that in jets, is out of the question, so you have to work your way up until you get the qualifications. From the point I started as a civilian student pilot until I had 1,000 hours with commercial, instrument, flight instructor and multi-engine certificates, it took me about three years. I began working as a flight instructor at about 300 hours, which is a typical entry-level job. It took three years instructing before I was hired as a copilot on a regional airline, and another year to make captain after that. People do it quicker, especially now days, but my experience is fairly typical typical of what you might expect.

  3. You do not need 1000 hours to be a pilot. Airlines like Thomas Cook only look for 500 hours. Also, major flight schools such as CabAir and Oxford Aviation Training (OAT) are partnered by airlines such as Thomas Cook, FlyBE, British Airways and, so you only need to pass your exams at OAT or CabAir to frozen ATPL level.

  4. Entry level pilot jobs.

  5. One way people rack up their hours is by becoming a flight instructor. You can become a flight instructor with as little as 250 hours. At that point, you can have students paying you for your time *and* paying for the plane *and* you get to count the hours as flight time. I've heard some stories from other pilots where their instructor was like this... seemingly extending the lessons along because the instructor was, primarily, trying to rack up flight hours.

    Granted, there are plenty of instructors who *are* trying to accumulate hours toward an airline job who are *also* conscientious about progressing the student toward their license. Indeed, that's what my instructor was like. The flight instructing was a temporary gig as he worked toward an airline job, but he didn't make me fly any more hours than what I needed.

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