
Flip flopping?

by Guest67074  |  earlier

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Why is flip flopping so bad? Can it be possible that someone changes their mind based on new info? Why is it that if a candidate changes his/her mind theya re seen as weak? If we never changed our minds then we would never develop. Its like saying Im not going to learn anyhting new because I know everything already.




  1. There are two types of position changes.

    1. Done for political expediency. If a candidate was against foreign aid (pick an issue, actually) for his entire political career, and then suddenly in the weeks leading up to the election completely changed his mind in an obvious attempt to gain votes, then you'd have to wonder if the candidate has any core beliefs.

    2. If the candidate has seen his position evolve due to changing circumstances or new information, that's someone receiving an education. Nothing wrong with that.

    If you see differences in a candidate's position, you have to figure out what's going on. Part of the fun of democracy.

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