
Flip up Car License Plate?

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I want to mount a reversing camera behind my rear license plate on my car, I would like to motorise the plate to flip upwards from the bottom so that it ends up in a horizontal position revealing the camera (Hinged at the top) . I am not sure what components I would need to be able to do this but obviously I don't want to spend £100's on one of the premade things because they would get in the way of the camera.

I was wondering if a small model aircraft servo would do the job, but then I'm not sure how to set it to stop at the extents of the plate movement (up and down)

Any ideas anyone?




  1. I will also want to perform a similar action on the front one for use when parked at car shows.

    My main requirement is to have a switch that when operated 1 way means the plate is up and when operated the other way it is down!

    I aren't planning it for illegal purposes its mainly just for show!

  2. Many servo motors have pre-designed range-of-motion already engineered in their design. Some actuate to 45, 90, 180 degrees of motion or whatever is needed for your application. Alternatively, if you power it with a conventional OFF/ON drive motor, (without a range limiter) you could utilize an impulse switch that'll energize the circuit for just long enough to provide the needed range of movement. Or an OFF/ON toggle switch with the OFF being toggled at the extreme end-range of motion.

    BUT WHY NOT just mount it thru the trunk with a permanent-type lens in place? These cameras are pretty darn small and easy to conceal-easier, I think, than motorizing your license plate holder. Prolly has a lens opening of less than a half-inch, it'd be pretty unobtrusive, IMHO.

    Good Luck!

  3. I would go with a little air cylinder and a two way valve, you can get a little 12v air compressor, little tank, and put a pivot spring on the plate like the old cars that had the fuel tanks under the plates. But curious why?? get followed alot? hit things when backing up??

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