
Flipped a car at 80mph and walked away almost fine?

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me and my bf were drivin down highway 95 on the way to bullhead, az. he sneezed, drifted of the road onto some lose gravel. i yelled "watch out" he paniced hit breaks (like a dummy) and turned the wheel. well he hit a sand patch and flipped ( barrell rolled) 3 times about 40 feet and landed up side down. we were able to walk out of there with only soar neck and bruises. we were in a 2008 nissan sentra. the air bags didn deploy or nothin and thank god we had seat blets on. but still glass was everywhere window shaddered.

What do you think besides we are freaken lucky.




  1. Fxxxx'in air bags

    you should sue them !!!

  2. The movie "Final Destination"

    Go rent it.

    Good Luck...


    p.s.  I'm just kidding...

  3. Flipping a car, as long as one is seatbelted, can be surprisingly survivable in certain circumstances since the vehicle is slowing down gradually... so that would account for the survival...

    Flipping a car is simultaneously extremely dangerous in the way you can be subject to violent thrashing around and unbelted occupants ejected... which almost always kills you or seriously injures you.

    God bless ouch.

  4. This is precisely why women are terrible drivers, he drifted onto the shoulder so you yelled watch out?!? If someone said watch out, then it logical to assume that there is something to watch out for, and thus the brakes come into play. You are the dummy for yelling when there was no immediate danger.

    You are lucky he didn't break up with you for being an idiot, and causing his car to be totaled.

  5. You have (8) lives left so be careful......

  6. don't worry about the air bags...with out front end impact the front airbags shouldn't deploy. hope ur ok. u used alot of luck up so be careful

  7. Yes, I say lucky to us all.  I had a day last December when I rolled our truck 3 times.  It crushed the passenger side.  Broke out the back window, (It was a 2005 Chevy Colorado)  And bent the frame.(my air bags did not deploy either????)  I walked out with just a small bruise on my shoulder from the seat belt.  I had hit a low telephone box they said when I came off a bridge when it was icy.  My dog, I thought flew out the window.  He was in the back seat. TG

    I was surprised how calm I was through the whole thing.

    My daughter died in a car crash four years ago.  She had no seat belt on.  They say she would have lived if she had one on.  What better time then now to promote seat belts?  I have worn mine always since she died (I never did before)

  8. God is watching you

    And those air bags should be inspected especially in a 2008 vehicle.

  9. Your b/f didn't realize that oversteering causes loss of control.

    The highest number of crashes for young males is caused by speeding.

    You were driving in a new vehicle, and made the wise and safe decision to wear seatbelts!!!

    Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.........

    You got the opportunity to survive because you were prepared by wearing your seat belts and because on vehicle(s) was (were) comng the other way ......timing is everything.......

    If your right wheel drops off the road onto the gravel, come off the accelerator, keep your vehicle STRAIGHT and controlled, don't oversteer,  and don't brake until your speed drops to a manageable one. Once you are under control, then you will be able to come back up onto the road again. Never swerve, especially at higher speeds or on snowy/icy or wet roads....

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