
Flirting? Should I or shouldn't I?

by  |  earlier

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so I like this guy but I don't know if he likes me and I don't want to make a fool out of myself by asking him out and he doesn't like me or if I flirt and he doesn't flirt back. I think he likes me though because he almost jumps up to help me with things before I even ask (like he sees me struggling and almost runs over)

ok so how do I flirt with this guy subtly in case it turns out that he doesn't like me. any suggestions?





  1. Dont call him a jerk, coz i dont think it works like that. I call this guy a jerk and stuff then say im kiddin and he laughs etc, and he doesnt like me - i dont think.

    its too much of a personal experience to work with everyone.

    just be yourself and do the odd flirt here and there.

    good luck and hope i helped.

    could you please also help me out;...

  2. Call him a jerk, and wait a minute then say i'm just kidding.

    if he laughs he likes you.

  3. okay well this is wut i would do

    u have nothing really too lose so i would flirt alittle bit by smiling and talking to him alot and when he helps you with stuff, thank him and say stuff like thank god i have you to always be there..and stuff like that (:

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