
Floating ship?

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Ok so I don't know if I am going crazy or something, but last weekend I was going for a walk in Port Dalhousie at Lake Ontario and looked out at the water and saw a big ship. I then realized that it looked as though it was floating and not actually touching the water. Is this some sort of optical illusion? Or am I going crazy along with my boyfriend who also saw it with me. Even when I took a picture, it still looked like it was floating and everyone thinks I altered my pictures.




  1. It might be a mirage, BUT it might also be one of those boats, I forgot the name, I think it's hydraulic boats, they have like... what do you call those, like a wide V-like wood under them, so they never touch the water, it's only thingthis under it plus it's shaped like the wing of an airplane, so that it is higher.

    They are rare, because it's not that much better compared to a regular boat, so maybe you saw it right, did it have like something coming out? it should look like two sticks or 4 coming out on the front sides and back sides of it, going into the water.

    Maybe if you send me the pictures, I could tell you more.

  2. It is  a mirage.  When an object is far away and is close to the horizon the atmosphere distorts  the  light in weird ways and can make something appear to be floating above the ground or water.

    Look at the pictures on the wikipedia page linked below.  There is a picture of amountain range that appears to be floating.
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