
Flooding in Britain?

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Has anybody else noticed, that whenever and wherever there is a disaster in the world, the good old british are first on the

scene, offering £millions in aid, medical assistance and other

aid as may be neccesary, even to the new orleans floods!

I have not heard of any other country offering US assistance

in our need of help! Does anybody else think, that in view of

this, our policy in the future should be "Charity begins at home"?




  1. sad

  2. Good Call

  3. The government contributes millions in aid to disaster area's in the third world and few would complain. But by same token there should be no question in delivering generous aid to our own flood victims. And quickly too. What about the EU disaster fund? As we are a fully paid up member, will the EU give some of the money back to help out?...

  4. Are you really suggesting that people in the fith richest nation on earth are on the same level of need as peasants in south asia who don't have two wicker baskets to rub together, just because the plasma tv got a bit wet? Get some perspective!

  5. I doubt if we would get any help from anyone because of the flooding, though perhaps the EU should be contributing.   people have lost their lives, and if hadn't been for the  emergency services a lot more lives could have been lost. And as the rain and flooding is  still continuing who knows what might happen.   The cost is going to run into billions not millions, and many people like those in New Orleans won't have insurance.

  6. Can I just answer the person who said it's just a bit of water. I am sitting in Gloucester at the moment, we have no mains water and have been told that we won't have any for 3 days, we have now been told the the power station is flooded and we will probably not have power soon either, Tewkesbury hospital is being evacuated as is Gloucester city centre, and yes people have died, did you not read about the people being washed away in their cars!!! I personally spent the night on the M5 along with hundred of others including a woman who gave birth, luckily for her the baby was born healthy and there were no complications as she couldn't have got to help. We cannot get out as all of the roads are blocked and it's the same in parts of Worcestershire where some people have been trapped in their cars for 2 days. So please tell the old people that are trapped in their houses with no water or power or the people with young babies and no way to make up their bottles (the shops have completely sold out of bottled water) that 'it's just a bit of water!!!'

  7. Our floods arent on the scale of the New Orleans floods, now are they???

    No one has died as a result - its just the cost of repair and lost days at work due to being trapped.

    Lets not panic yet - its just a bit of water.

  8. u hav a v gd point ..except do we rly need £millions in aid atm?

  9. Spot on Britain first then if theirs any left, dependent on merit help others.
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