
Florida after global warming sea level raise?

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I need to know how much the water level will raise in Florida once seal level raises fully.




  1. I got this "fact":

    "During the last warm spell, 125,000 years ago, the seas were about 18 feet higher than they are today."

    from this website:

    To look at this fact without thinking, it might seem that we would be in trouble as the earth gradually warms.  But a little thinking may lead to the more likely opposite conclusion, ie, there is little to worry about.

    Think this way, if it took 125,000 years to increase the ocean depths by 18 feet then that is only 18/125000 = .000144 feet per year or about 1/500 of an inch per year.  One measly inch in 500 years.  I think we can handle it.

    The answer to your specific question can be found in the above website.  Interesting stuff for sure but not something to be alarmed about.  

    If this silly global warming business can get some people to start thinking for themselves, then maybe, <sigh>,  it at least has somewhat of a silver lining.....

  2. watch this video it shows various projections;...

  3. None whatever. Global warming, aka climate change is a concept dreamed up by politicians like Al Gore to raise taxes. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that there will be a sea level rise in any meaningful timeframe.

  4. at the rate it is going now, none.

  5. This is a stupid question. Florida, New York, and all the islands will be just fine. As ice continues to melt, there will be increased evaporation, so there really won't be a huge difference anywhere.

  6. Here is a way to answer you own question.

    1.  Put water in a glass, mark the level.  Put ice in the glass, let it melt.  Mark the level.  Answer, no change.

    2.  Look at a globe or world map.  Look at the amount of blue, and the amount of white.  It is not possible for that small amount of white can affect that much blue enough to matter.

    3. Think about how much the ocean rises and fall with the spring melt and winter freeze.  It does not change levels with the seasons.

    Finally, you must conclude the people who claim you are in danger are making it up.  They are ignorant or purposely trying to fool you.

  7. 10-16 inches i believe...

  8. It's been estimated that, if the polar ice melts, the water level will rise about 8 FEET world wide... that means most of Florida will be under water... which there is PROOF that it's been under water in the past... so it's easy to believe.

    Personally, I think it's going to be much worse.  On ANY island in the Caribbean with a tall hill or mountain, you can find SALT WATER FOSSILS up the sides of the hills at LEAST 100 FEET above the present water level... In Port-au-Prince Haiti... there is a marine level on the hill, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CATHEDRAL.. and that is about 200 FEET above the present water level of the Caribbean Sea

  9. The sea levels have been rising at a steady rate for quite a long time, thousands of years.  Some land will be lost but not much.  You will not notice any difference in your life unless you spend it on your tip toes in 5 feet of water.  So unless that is your plan, I wouldn't worry about it.  Don't buy into the hype.

  10. On the average in about 100 years if all the ice on earth melts the tidal rise will be between 3 and 4 inches in Florida.

  11. Oh please we're talking a millimeter and a half per year.      Your grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren might have to shore up a few areas with some levees.

  12. This site offers an excellent answer to what you are asking.

    According to the IPCC's latest assessment, they suggest if sea levels continue to rise at the rate they are today, they will rise around 23 inches by the year 2100. This projection is correct as of September 2007.

    The site has an image of what the Florida coastline is predicted to look like if there is a 1 metre sea level rise. I suggest you check it out.

  13. If you believe Al Gore...underwater; if you believe science a few inches at most.  You decide.

  14. Okay, do me a favor, put some ice in a glass of water. Mark the water level. Let the ice melt. Note the water level has not moved.

    Water EXPANDS when it freezes which means if the ice caps were melting the sea level would NOT CHANGE!

    Besides the ice shelf is the thickest its been in recorded history and growing more rapidly because the earth is getting colder due to decreased solar activity! Global warming is a LIE.

  15. you will be dead before anything changes in the sea level and its not global warming people!

    this is the natuarl cycle of the earth if you check earth's past with ice melting and freezing you'll understand it better. im studying about the earths biography so i wouldnt be so quick to throw away your car just yet.

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