
Florida and other "red" states (reb states?) fly giant confederate flags to bolster vote for McCain?

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...and many a southerner anticipates McCain being a Bush clone (because they just loved Bush to death). So, you can bet your Johnny Apple seeds there won't be many white southerners proud of voting for Obama while being moved to tears looking at some giant flag that stands as a reminder who "lost" the civil war. Sound like an underlying political stunt?




  1. Will you tell me where in that article it says one word about John McCain?  What does flying the Confederate flag have to do with who people will vote for?  Take your conspiracy theory and go fly a flag of your choosing.

  2. The south is traditionally Democratic not Republican. As for the flag, it is a battle flag not the national flag of the C.S.A.(Confederate States of America) in case you don't know that.   Do your research before you talk about the Civil War.  Lincoln was a Republican and his Vice President Johnson.  When Lincoln was killed Johnson decided to punish the south during reconstruction.  So if we are remembering the war why would we vote for a Republican at all.  As a Civil War Reenactor I have learned even more about the war between the states than I knew as a history buff.  We have to know it to be able to reenact and make it look creditable.  

  3. I am from the south and will vote Obama all the way.  I hope he will choose Hillary as his VP.

  4. I think the confederate flags in/on public buildings should be removed, and those caught ordering their display in/on government buildings should be prosecuted for treason.  They are also a symbol for the institution of slavery.  McWar is using anything to get votes.

  5. America and the constitution need all the help they can get in defeating the socialists and communists to keep the country free for our grand children.

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