
Florida homeschool?

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ever sttended homeschool? can you tell me the name of it? i'm trying to enter




  1. There is a virtual florida homeschool that offers credit and diploma and possible offers incompleted, drops and bad grades if you don't do well.

    Go with care.

  2. You don't "attend" homeschool, you ARE homeschooled, or you simply homeschool. I live in Florida and I am homeschooled. It obviously doesn't have a name because there is no it to speak of. I don't GO to a school. My parent and I share equal responsibility (thoughy legally speaking it's all on her) for the administration of my education which we make sure is a quality one. We work together to choose books, software, and other materials, plan field trips, decide when certain things need to be done, what needs to be done, and whether or not it has been done right and it's time to move ahead to the next lesson. I'm responsible for arranging for standardized tests (registering for the SAT, for example), managing my busy schedule, determining if a certain practice is working or not for me, and requesting/finding help when it's needed. Mom grades writing papers and presentations, makes sure I get off to Fencing Practice, Music Lessons, Band rehersals, volunteer jobs, Braille lessons, Transition Program, and Mobility Lessons, though since I"ve started mobility I'm held more responsible for arranging my own transportation. It's a team effort run out of the home, not an institutuin I attend.

    There are private schools in Florida, and a number of nationally accessible online schools, but they don't hold a candle to real homeschooling.

  3. "New World Horizon"

  4. Hello! There is a "Florida Virtual School" that all floridians can attend. Just go to If you decide to join, you need a username and password. You get all of your credits, just like a public school, and can graduate with a diploma. If you do not maintain a good grade, however, you can be dropped from your classes. Also, if you do not do work every week you will be dropped as well. I hope you decide to join, it is a great way to go! Good luck and God bless!

  5. Homeschool is based on the internet. To do Homeschool, you need a computer & internet acess. Although I don't know the name of a homeschool.
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