
Florida was the first state to be named. People say it's name is even older than the name america is it true?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know if its true for a thesis to my state report.




  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! America was named whan Amerigo Vespucii came here, but none of the states were named in the 1400's.....sorry but you can still put the fact that it is the first state to be named!!! =)

  2. Florida was one of the first "states" to be colonized by the Spanish in the 1500's (About 100 years before the English and Jamestown). The Spanish called it La Pascua Florida, which was shortened when the US annexed it from Spain.

  3. The name "America" was first used to refer to the continents immediately west of the Atlantic Ocean in 1507.  Florida was named thus six years later, in 1513.

  4. Florida was inhabited for thousands of years with many indigenous people.  Juan Ponce de Leo'n named Florida in honor of his discovery of the land on April 2, 1513. It was during Pascua Florida a Spanish term for Easter season.

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