
Flotation Tank/Therapy?

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Has anyone used a flotation tank/therapy and if so what was your opinion on it?




  1. I have never heard of this?but I believe it would be good any water therapy is brill?

  2. Being mildly claustrophobic I'd never use an actual flotation tank but I have floated at a Spa in Berkshire where they have two flotation pools.  It's absolutely out of this world.  The salt water stings a bit especially if you have any small cuts or grazes (don't shave or wax less than 24 hrs before) and it takes a bit of time to learn how to get back up from your floating position, but once you're in, the warmth and sensation of weightlessness is fantastic.  

    I especially love it as I have a back injury and have had major back surgery and it takes away all your aches and pains and surrounds you with warmth and lightness.  They turn the lights down and the ceiling is lit up with stars; it's wonderful.

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