
Flower beds are being attacked by earwigs, slugs and ants...what can I do?

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We have beautiful flower beds and potted plants all around our backyard. Every year we have had professionals spray for earwigs, etc. but they always come back. We are currently trying to get rid of them by placing containers filled with soapy water and rimmed with peanut butter around the flower beds. This seems to be working because we are always finding the earwigs etc in the containers. However, we are not getting nearly enough of them for my liking. There are sooo many and we find them in the lawn furniture etc. We have tried herbicides and spraying but most of these things just kill on contact so it doesn't solve the problem. Professional spraying rids us of the problem temporarily but unless neighbours also spray the bugs always return. We have spent so much time and $$$ on our gardens and they are being eaten by these pesky insects. Any ideas?????




  1. I’m a bit confused.

    Earwigs like it damp and dark.

    Slugs like the area to be very moist almost wet - with leaf litter or other debris to bury under during the day.

    Ants on the other hand, prefer to establish their colony in an area that is a bit on the dry side.

    Although I don’t understand how you can have all three in the same area, if you say you do – I believe you.

    I like “dummy81’s” idea of attracting birds to the area.

    It would behoove you to purchase a book on how to make your garden and surrounding area bird friendly. Trees, shrubs, perennial and annual placement can all attract or discourage birds.  

    It seems like you already have a live food source but a bird feeder wouldn’t hurt. Birds need protective cover for hiding and nesting – Proper placement of a water source and birdhouses (there are basic birdhouses and birdhouses designed to attract specific birds), will all attract the birds you want and help discourage the birds you would like to avoid.

    If you have a cat (or two) make sure it wears a bell, so the birds can hear it coming or you will find a lot of dead birds along with the earwigs, slugs and ants. Ask your neighbors who have cats to do the same – they will benefit from the birds as well.

  2. hang out a bird feeder to attract birds to your yard, they'll will eat most bugs.  For slugs, lay a saucer under the flower bed with the rim at soil level filled with yeasty liquid ( such as  staled beer, or make your own with fruit juice and instant yeast ), the slugs will get in to drink and die. For ants, buy ant traps and lay them all around.

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