
Floyd Mayweather Jr. Vs. Antonio Margarito, who would win?

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Floyd Mayweather Jr. Vs. Antonio Margarito, who would win?




  1. your a dumb a$$ dude. seems obvious that you are a margarito fan. reality is even though i CANT stand PBF...mayweather would sweep the ring with margarito. mayweather would box the living $hit out of this guy. margarito would have a tough time keeping up with him, since mayweather will hit him with combos and move around. floyd is much faster then cotto. so thats not even worth the money to watch a mayweather vs margarito fight, hes not even on his level. margarito will be lucky if he lands any punches with slow punches.

  2. gotta go with PBF I think cotto had a game plan in their fight to circle away and use the jab, I think mayweather's speed and quickness would be the difference, but I don't think he could knock him out, it would be a typical mayweather fight, back peddling to victory.

  3. I think Margarito would win. He's like a tornado throwing punches everywhere, face, stomach; lots of uppercuts. He is solid and resists punches. His fight with Cotto proved this, Cotto's punches seemed to not hurt him at all.

    Now, Mayweather does not have enough solidness in his punches (Cotto did have strong punches and lost) to knock Margarito down.

    Mayweather could try to hit him in the distance, not too close because Margarito would knock him. Nobody wants to fight with him. Not even Mayweather, nor Oscar de la Hoya, nobody. Cotto took the challenge and look at the results, a hurt and looser Cotto. (no offense to this great boxer)

    Margarito is solid as a rock. This man has resistance to punches, to "combos"...what plan would mayweather have if Margarito corners him like he did with Cotto? The Combos Cotto tried? Cover himself with his shoulder like he always does? Margarito is not going to surrender.

  4. Margarito, hands down.  Mayweather ducked him for a reason.  Margarito was hit with tremendous shots by Cotto - and still kept moving forward!  I really enjoyed that fight.  I have respect for Cotto too, he didn't duck Margarito - I look forward to seeing him back in the ring.  Mayweather will be remembered for the snoozer fights like Gatti and Baldomir - Pretty Boy's a bum.

  5. Margarito beat Cotto period. Cotto out box Margo for at least 5 to 6 rounds. Cotto skills is no where close to PBF boxing skills. If Margo wants to keep his title, he better stay away from PBF. If he let Cotto out box him, what do you think PBF do with good stamina? Box the h**l out of him for 12 round and people will be pissed off.

  6. Floyd Mayweather Jr. would win by unanimous decision. Although Margarito pounded and punished Cotto for the later rounds, he was very sloppy doing so. Floyd Mayweather is as technical as they come as a boxer and would have never been in that much danger. Cotto got mixed up in a brawl, (one in which he had no chance of winning) If Cotto would have kept it a boxing match, and kept  as much control as Mayweather has in each fight, he would have ended up with the split decision. He was not used to fighting on his heels (not being the aggresor), and he panicked. Mayweather wins fights as the aggressor, and on his heels because he is a ring general. He let Margarito dictate the fight, and that is the reason he lost. This loss exposed his weakness. Cotto also loses to Floyd Mayweather Jr. by unanimous decision, or possibly by a late round TKO something like the Hatton fight. I don't understand how people think Floyd Mayweather is scared of anybody. If Paul Williams is next vs. Margarito and beats him again as he did in their first meeting (Paul Williams will beat Floyd Mayweather Jr. in all of the PBF haters minds) The reason why Floyd is a great is because of his ring management skills and his defense. It's not called running. Otherwise they're wouldn't be judges scoring each round on a point system. They'd just let them fight until someone was knocked out and was unable to continue.

  7. As much as i hate to say it, Mayweather would win by decision. Floyd would hit and run all night, there would be no knockout just a lot of running.

  8. I believe Margarito would win. I don't like PBF because he ducksgood fighters but he does have skills. BUT he ducked Margarito for a reason. Margarito would be a very dangerous fighter for floyd. People keep saying he would easily outbox Margarito, but if you see thats exactly what Cotto tried and we all know how that worked out for him. Cotto is a h**l of a boxer. he outbox mosely and judah and mosley at his age is still one of the best boxers.

    PBF's weakness is someone who has the qualities of Margarito. why?? anybody that saw the first mayweather vs Castillo fight knows floyd lost that fight. Even his own uncle/trainer told him he lost. The body attack Castillo did slowed mayweather down and make him hittable. Margarito could do that.

    Judah's in your face style gave mayweather problem for several rounds. Everyone that saw that fight had Judah winning going into the 7th round. if anybody can keep on pressure its Margarito.

    and the ablity to cut off the ring the way de la hoya did against floyd made that a close fight. he squeaked out a controversial split decision. Margarito cut of the ring well against Cotto.

    i know what your thinking but mayweather eventually beat them all. Yes. But because they tired out. like like Castillo in the rematch got tired of chasing him. and Judah also tired out. and he was actually hurt by mayweather's shots. and an old de la hoya just couldn't keep the pace up for the 12 rounds.

    But do you think Margarito won't tire out he is a beast. he only gets stronger as the fight goes on. Margarito can punish floyd to the body to slow him down, and most importantly, he can take anything floyd throws and just keep comming. and throw punches and punches. PBF ducked him for a reason. He is not dumb. he knew Margarito was a serious threat. you don't just give up a chance at the biggest pay day of your carreer to that point (8 million dollars) cuz you don't feel like fighting. and knowing he would have to face the winner of Margarito vs Cotto he chose to retire and run like he know how. he has great skill. but he does not possess what Cotto and Margarito do in HEART and WILL.

  9. I doubt Mayweather wants a piece of Margarito. Hatton was getting a good piece of Mayweather before he ran out of steam. How`s he going to beat a much tougher opponent his own size who doesn`t stop punching hard for 12 rounds? The answer is he isn`t.

  10. Floyd will lose, his heart is not in it anymore. That's why he retired. People keep saying that Antonio is too slow to hit Floyd but that is not true. Antonio know he is slow, that is why he throw more body punches than head shots. I don't care how fast you are, you can not avoid shots to the body. Antonio will slow Floyd down by the 7th round and batter him like he did Cotto. Unlike Ricky Hatton, Antonio will have the reach advantage and a granite chin. Antonio Margarito by 11th round stoppage, Floyd won't come out for the 12th round.

  11. Can you imagine, if Castillo got into Mayweathers face for 24 rounds and fought nearly even what Margarito could do?

  12. We can't know until the fight happens, but Margarito does have a chance of winning. Mayweather is fast and Margarito is slower, but Margarito has good timing and knows how to find his spots. For example, remember when Oscar had trouble with Mayweathers defense and was trying his best to slap/punch to the body when being partially grabbed? Well Margarito is better at this.

    Cotto is a harder puncher than Mayweather and did you see those clean shots that Margarito took Cotto?

    Just remember the first Castillo fight that Mayweather had trouble with. Well Margarito is bigger and has more stamina than Castillo.

    Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be surprised if Floyd outboxes him well... but Margarito's style also as a good chance of winning in my opinion.

  13. We will probably never know.

    What we do know is that Floyd turned down an $8 million purse to fight Margo two years ago.  That would have been Floyd's largest purse ever at the time.  His last six fights were against Arturo Gatti, Sharmba Mitchell, Zab Judah, Carlos Baldomir, Oscar de la Hoya, and Ricky Hatton.  How does Floyd lay claim to greatness by fighting those guys when Margo was waiting for him and Cotto came along in the last year or so?  

    Floyd was a dominant fighter, but Margarito and Cotto would probably have been at least as dominant against Floyd's latest opponents.  In fact, Cotto KO'ed Judah, which Floyd couldn't do.

    Name a great champion who retired in his prime with two great fighters waiting to meet him.  You can't.  People talk about Floyd's great defensive skills and his unbeaten record.  But he wouldn't fight Cotto or Margarito or Paul Williams to show how "dominant" he would have been against the best fighters in his division.  

    Floyd was a fraud, a true "Ducker."  Floyd Patterson would have been proud of PBF.

  14. gotta go with Mayweather on this one.

  15. mayweather, no doubt, i dont like ffloyd but margarito would be to slow

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