
Floyd Mayweather Junior versus Manny Pacquiao after Mosley defeated

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Floyd Mayweather Junior versus Manny Pacquiao after Mosley defeated

Though Floyd Mayweather Junior removed obstacle Shane Mosley from his way towards defending his welterweight category title, there was still some dissatisfaction left in his soul. Something that makes him incomplete, something that has been left undone. He doesn’t need to spend all his brains to figure that out, the reason is simple -- he hasn’t faced Manny Pacquiao yet.

Apart from that, his victory has silenced many of his critics. Earlier in January 2009, he faced Antonio Margarito and after thwarting him in a lopsided encounter, Floyd turned towards Mosley for a one-on-one. Mosley was staging his comeback in the match after a long absence from the ring. He was looking for a notorious welterweight match. He ultimately found Andre Berto as the likely punching bag. But misfortune struck the match due to the earthquake tragedy in Haiti and the ex-Olympian refused the challenge.

Starving for a match, Mosley looked everywhere for a fight. Finally he found Mayweather as a likely contestant. In September, he crashed Mayweather’s post-fight interview about his success over Juan Manuel Marquez. Mosley tried his level best to instigate Mayweather and thus, his hunt for an aggressive boxer came to an end.

He then put a brave show in the ring by troubling Mayweather. In the second round, Mayweather seemed shaken but he pulled it through and clinched victory in the end. Mayweather surpassed Mosley with his natural ability to crack a punch while dodging his opponent. Along with that, his impregnable defence and his lightening quick arms destroyed his opponent in due course of time.

Now that Mayweather has overcome another hurdle, his next aim will definitely be Pacquiao, (or Pac-man as he is known by his fans.) Pacquiao is a seven-division World Champion, notorious in the world for his skill and one of the richest athletes in the world.

Back home in the Philippines, the Pac-man has just recently won a seat in the Congress to represent the rural province of Saranggani in the south of the country. During his election campaign, Pacquiao explained to his fans about the reason for his entry into politics. He said, “I don’t want to be just your boxing idol. I also want be your idol in public service.” Pacquiao comes from a very humble background and wills to serve his country, “I could just sit back and relax and not have anything to do with politics. I could just travel around and enjoy my life with my family. But I came from a very poor family, and I cannot turn my back on the poor.”

His position on his supposed retirement is still foggy. The best statement that came from the Pac-man was, “We haven’t talked about that … maybe after the election,” and then light-heartedly added, “Mommy D. will decide that.

Now that he has been elected as a Congressman, statements from the fighter have died down. Plans to hold a fight between Mayweather and Pacquiao were debunked as both boxers had their personal problems in staging it. Mayweather demanded Pacquiao to undergo drug tests prior to the match. Pacquiao didn’t accept the offer so the fight is postponed indefinitely without a date.

The recent fight between Mayweather and Mosley was also organised according to the Olympic testing procedures. If the current pound-for-pound king Manny Pacquiao wants to give one last show before his retirement, this will be his chance to become a legend.

In fact, both of these stars have had an illustrious career and they should negotiate the fight on all levels so that both Mayweather and Pacquiao exit the world of boxing as legendary champions. This will not only increase the rating but will also promote boxing as a sport. What is more but to compete on a fair level to earn a victory?

People from all over the world have been waiting for a long time for this match and surely when this arrives, it will be a match to remember in history.


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