
Floyd Mayweather v Thomas Hearns?

by Guest58633  |  earlier

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both in their prime. Who wins and how?




  1. Definetly a big size advantage here.  Hearns would use his jab effectively.  Mayweather would do some good work particularly on the inside for a few rounds but his eye would begin to close in about the 8th round.  In the 9th round, I believe a battered Mayweather would be stopped by the Hitman.

  2. In my opinion, Tommy would be way too much for Floyd. The same can be written about Leonard and Duran, I would have mentioned Hagler too, but these fighters all were welterweight kings at one point in the careers, Hagler reigns as a Middleweight King.

    I've never wrote here in this forum that Floyd isn't a gifted fighter, he has style and speed that can't be matched by anybody today. A fighter can not go around beating his/her chest telling anyone within earshot "I'm the best" when he/she hasn't fought anybody that offers no kind of challenge.

    Who has Floyd beaten that the boxing public could acknowledge as a serious threat to his throne? He lost, regardless of what the judges scored against Castillo in their first fight. Gatti? Gatti's been shot since his battles with Micky Ward. Baldomir? Baldomir had no business in there in the first place, the best that all boxing critics could say about Carlos was "You can hit him with a Bat and still wouldn't be able to hurt him" What type of compliment is that for a Champion?

    Lets just write here for the sake of argument Floyd beats Oscar in the rematch. What will that prove? That he has beaten another big name 5 to 6 years out of his prime? Seriously. Oscar's best days are behind him and people are making such a big deal out of this match.

    Tommy fought the very best of his era, he moved up in weight to challenge the best as did Leonard and Duran. Could you see Floyd moving up in weight to challenge a in his prime Jermaine Taylor? It will never happen. Tommy moved up to face the best there was and always fought. Tommy ducked nobody.

    Tommy's straight right hand would be the biggest difference in this fight. Floyds tuck and roll style would not be a problem for Tommy's superior reach and punching power. Tommy also worked the body quite well, a weapon anyone would need to beat the elusive Mayweather. Floyd would have no choice but to run against the much heavier handed Hearns. Tommy fought and caught Ray Leonard and Floyd is no Ray Leonard.

    Tommy stops Floyd late in the 6th. Of course Floyd would blame the stars not being aligned properly or he didn't sleep well the night before, because that's his style and Tommy would grant him a rematch and stop him in less than four

  3. this could be leonard-hearns all over's a pick'em.

    could hearns keep mayweather at bay?

    could mayweather outbox hearns?

    could pbf avoid hearns ramrod jab?

    what would happen if floyd connected cleanly on tommy's jaw?

    so, tommy by decision, or floyd by late round stoppage!

  4. I can see Hearns Getting into trouble due to this bout. With charges being brought upon Hearns for Man-Slaughter.

    In the Floyd/Oscar bout we saw a taller,good,and  fast-jab fighter getting to Floyd. But with Hearns you get a taller, faster, far longer jab, and far more power than Oscar.

    Hearns had the Height, reach, and power way over Floyd. And I can see the 'Hit-Man' using these fully to his advantage and putting relentless pressure on Mayweather.

    With Floyd's good shoulder roll/tuck and pulling back (as he often does) I still see Hearns LONG snake-like jabs and punches finding him.

    With Hearns longer,FAST and powerfull jabs/punches, Floyd would be on the receiving end of these punches far more than Hearns would be with Floyd's. And I cant see Floyd getting in and back out without paying in severe damage trying to do it. Especially in view of the fact that Hearns threw combo punches, head and body. Somewhere along the line, coming in or going out, and somewhere on his person, Floyd would be tagged, And tagged HARD.

    Floyd also did'nt have the power to keep Hearns honest. So the 'Hit-Man' would be all over Floyd. Those long legs catching and cutting Floyd off.(whadda you say, about 3 Floyd steps to 1 Hearns?) Early KO.

    GURU--"We all know Hearns has been knocked out a few times" ( Tell me your not suggesting that Floyd could do it as well?)

    "Floyd has been hit hard before, but has never even been in trouble in a fight" (And Floyd has NEVER even came close to fighting anybody that had Hearns explosive fierce blows with each fist either. Hearns had 1st rd. KO's from welter all the way to Light heavyweight ! He put the ironed chin Duran and Cuevas down. And in 3 rds. lumped and cut up Hagler. IMO if he could do that to these greats, he could surely do it to a much smaller Floyd and then some.)

  5. Thomas Hearns would destroy him and knock him out.

  6. Hearns by KO inside 6 rounds, Floyd wouldn't even be in this one.  Hearns had comparable hand speed, superior reach, hight and a massive power edge.  Floyd would be completely over matched and out classed.  Thumbs up to toughguy, but it wouldn't last that long.  Thumbs up to James and celticbrawler as well, this one is all Hearns.

  7. Thumbs up "myself". Tommy's to strong and tall for Floyd. He'd have to get inside and Tommy would make him pay every time he did.

  8. Maurice, the difference between Mayweather and Leonard, is size, power, and heart. He had the ability to fight an offensive fight and change his style against one of the most potent offenses of all time. If Floyd's running from Baldmoir and Split Decisioning an old Oscar, how in the h**l does he break down and KO Hearns?

    Floyd has neither the style nor the power to even hurt Hearns. This is THE worst stylistic matchup at WW of all time for Floyd. If you honestly even think Floyd stands a chance you are a pathetic analyst of styles. Message me every time you have a fight pick coming up, and I'll bet with you.

  9. Leonard beat Hearns and would always do so at 147.  Hearns wins at 154.  Some who would beat Hearns would lose to Leonard at 147.  He's a natural at welter and styles make fights.

    This is why Mayweather, as good as he is, would lose to Hearns at 147.  Hearns, despite his flaws, has too many advantages over Mayweather.  Floyd has peaked here.   He beat Oscar at 154 but that doesnt make him a bonafide Jr middle any more than Leonard would be at middle just for the win over Hagler.  

    Hearns has weaknesses at welter which could be exploited.  However, it is his strengths at any weight that would be Floyd's undoing.  Tommy is at least just as fast and punches MUCH harder.  Given the great difference in height,  even Floyd, with all his great gifts would not be enough to overcome the hitman.  

    Mayweather loses to both Leonard and Hearns at welter.  He can beat a lot of great welters,  for example, I think he would win easily over someone like Jose Napoles, who has too many weaknesses despite his greatness.  

    Both Leonard and Hearns have too many natural gifts at welter.  Hearns, with his speed, would get the drop on Floyd far sooner than Floyd would have the chance to do likewise to Hearns.  He would be hurt early and knocked down at least twice during the fight.  

    Floyd is a good fighter who is destined for greatness.  He is crafty enough to go the distance with Hearns.  However,  he would come out on the short end of a decision

    Hearns by decision in 15

  10. Thomas Hearns will win just like in the Sugar Ray Leonard vs Thomas Hearns first fight. Thomas Hearns was ahead on the score card until it took a herculean effort from Sugar Ray to come back. I don't think Floyd has the same heart as Sugar Ray. Once he taste Thomas power, he will dance and box, and Hearns will use his reach to win a unanimous decision.

  11. Tommy Hearns. I don't think Mayweather would be able to change up and stalk down Tommy the way leonard did. IMO that's the reason Leonard got to him because he was able to turn the tables and bully The Hitman.

  12. Thumbs up to Maurice!- It's not a definite that Hearns would knock Floyd out or even beat him , these other answers are discounting Floyd's almost flawless boxing ability, and his incredible defensive skills.....................................

    Floyd has been hit hard before, but has never even been in trouble in a fight......................................

    We all know Hearns has been knocked out a few times!

    I see Floyd as being the smarter more defensive fighter, so I would go with Mayweather by split dec.

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