
Floyd Mayweather vs. Tommy Hearns?

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at 147




  1. Thomas Hearns at 147 was a devastating puncher.  Did you ever see what he done to Pipino Cuevas and Roberto Duran?  He had those long arms and dynamite particularly in his right hand.  He also could box and had a great jab.  He caused permanent eye damage with that jab to Sugar Ray Leonard during their first fight.  Mayweather is fast and is very skilled without a doubt but he never met anyone in the ring like The Hitman.  Hearns would catch Mayweather eventually and when he did, the party would be over for him.  Hearns by 8th round knockout.

  2. Galactus - thats as thorough as it gets! Mayweather wouldn't have to much of a chance in this one!

  3. This one's easy.  

    There are Two ways to beat Tommy Hearns.  1. Land one big punch and take him out of the fight.  At 147 the odds of that happening are very slim.  2. FIGHT him to death.  Drag him into a Dog Fight.  

    If you're between 147 - 154 you are NOT going to out box Thomas Hearns.  Look at all the guys besides Leonard who beat Hearns.  They are all freakishly strong guys.  Barkley is one of those guys you probably knew at age 4 he would grow to be something that requires strength.  He could bump into you and injure you.

    NOBODY could out box Tommy Hearns when he was at his best,  NOT even Sugar Ray Leonard, one of the best pure boxers ever.  Mayweather, though a great boxer (and it's not to early to compare him to the greats), could never out box Hearns.   He also doesn't posess the power to change the fight with one punch.  

    Mayweather's greatest handicap is the fact that he has to come inside to do any damage.  And, as Hearns liked to say, "he'll have to pay that price".  

    Styles make fights.  Mayweather might out box some guys who might knock Hearns out.  He trains like a demon so he's tough and cagey enough to prevent being knocked out himself in the process.  However, he could never beat Hearns at 147.  His chances are Greatly reduced at 154.  

    Mayweather could easily be compared to a compact version of Sugar Ray Leonard.  He once bad-mouthed Leonard (prolly cuz Sugar Ray beat up his dad) but he can not punch like Ray could.  Ray was a natural welter.  Floyd grew into 147 and though he carries it well he doesn't have the steam in his punches he had at 135 - 140.  

    Floyd JUST CANT HURT HEARNS.  Tommy's chin wasn't that weak like some think.  He got KO'd by big punchers.  If his chin was so weak Leonard would have finished him in round 6 -7 when he had Tommy in a world of trouble.   Hearns would have ALL the answers for Floyd.  As great as he will be, Floyd is no match for Hearns.  

    Floyd would give the rest of the Fantastic 5 a much harder time than he would give Hearns.  He loses in 14 to Leonard.  He could decision Benitez and he would box Cuevas silly, never allowing Pipino to land too many hard punches.  I struggle to see him beating Duran on June 20 1980.  He might decision Duran at any other time.    

    Hearns would be a different story all together.  Hearns would out box Floyd in much the same way he out boxed Leonard.  Only Hearns would be even further ahead on points.  I truely don't see Floyd winning many rounds.  He will suffer a knockdown or two.   By the middle rounds Floyd will realize he's in very unfamiliar territory.  Hearns would make a few errors early but set himself right before round 4.  

    Floyd would be forced to fight a defensive fight.  The problem is that he would not be allowed to mount much of an offense.  You have two great fighters.   The difference is that one happens to possess ALL of the other one's weaknesses.  

    How do you beat Mayweather at 147?  Hearns has all the answers.  How do you beat Hearns at 147?  Mayweather doesn't possess enough of the necessary tools to do the job.  

    Hearns by KO in 8

  4. hearns would have been naturally bigger. he was also taller and was one of the hardest punchers in welterweight history, as well as being one of the top 10 all time champions in the division.

    floyd might make a fight of it for  a few rounds, but in the end, the hit man would prevail by mid to late round stoppage.

  5. Hearns he is a quick welterweight, and his right hand was the best one punch KO punches ever.  A right hand would test the heart of mayweather, hearns was bigger, stronger, and he had reache advantage, and a great right hand and mayweather has not faced a big puncher and hearns would KO mayweather quickly.

  6. flloyd has too much skills

  7. I asked this one a few weeks ago.

    Both in their prime, Hearns would  KO Mayweather mid to late rounds.

  8. Are you kidding me?  If they were both at their peak I say Hearns hands down!  It would only take on jab and one straight right hand.  Mayweahter is good but he wouldn't be that good.  No heart!!!  Sugar had the heart, that was the difference!

  9. Hearns would have taken Floyd's head off with a right hand, there is no way Mayweather would have lasted, Hearns could have beaten Floyd with a jab, but the power difference would weigh heavily against Mayweather.  Floyd is already out of his comfort zone, he is not a true welterweight.  Hearns was huge at welter weight with a devastating right cross.  He would have beaten Mayweather boxing, or KOed Floyd if Mayweather stopped running.  Either way it's all Hearns.

  10. Hearns would beat the S**t out of mayweather.

  11. tommy

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