This forum is litered with negative comments and opinions about Mayweather, and I really don't understand; he is more like the old-time fighters so many of you rate so high.
1. "All he does is run away" - if running away was all it took to never get beat, I think there would have been a lot more career undefeated records. From a pure techincal stance, I can't think of a handful of fighters who have the book memorized as well as him. And its because he's probably invested more of himself into boxing than any other fighter you can name, he trains everyday and has for 20+ years, you never hear about him overweight or unprepared - his focus is what the old boxing fans always claim is lacking today.
2. "He's arrogant" - well so were most great fighters; I've never seen a bad word written about Ray Robinson here, and he was regarded as one of the most arrogant and difficult fighters ever - threatening to cancel fights the day before if he didn't get more $ - imagine if Floyd tried that